# %%
import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, Sequence, Optional
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
import tensorstore
from .image import CellMapImage, EmptyImage
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def split_target_path(path: str) -> tuple[str, list[str]]:
"""Splits a path to groundtruth data into the main path string, and the classes supplied for it."""
path_prefix, path_rem = path.split("[")
classes, path_suffix = path_rem.split("]")
classes = classes.split(",")
path_string = path_prefix + "{label}" + path_suffix
except ValueError:
path_string = path
classes = [path.split(os.path.sep)[-1]]
return path_string, classes
# %%
class CellMapDataset(Dataset):
This subclasses PyTorch Dataset to load CellMap data for training. It maintains the same API as the Dataset class. Importantly, it maintains information about and handles for the sources for raw and groundtruth data. This information includes the path to the data, the classes for segmentation, and the arrays to input to the network and use as targets for the network predictions. The dataset constructs the sources for the raw and groundtruth data, and retrieves the data from the sources. The dataset also provides methods to get the number of pixels for each class in the ground truth data, normalized by the resolution. Additionally, random crops of the data can be generated for training, because the CellMapDataset maintains information about the extents of its source arrays. This object additionally combines images for different classes into a single output array, which is useful for training multiclass segmentation networks.
raw_path (str): The path to the raw image data.
target_path (str): The path to the ground truth data.
classes (Sequence[str]): A list of classes for segmentation training. Class order will be preserved in the output arrays. Classes not contained in the dataset will be filled in with the set 'empty_value' and, optionally, zeros for true-negaties inferred from mutually exclusive classes indicated by the 'class_relation_dict'.
input_arrays (Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Sequence[int | float]]]): A dictionary containing the arrays of the dataset to input to the network. The dictionary should have the following structure::
"array_name": {
"shape": tuple[int],
"scale": Sequence[float],
where 'array_name' is the name of the array, 'shape' is the shape of the array in voxels, and 'scale' is the scale of the array in world units.
target_arrays (Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Sequence[int | float]]]): A dictionary containing the arrays of the dataset to use as targets for the network. The dictionary should have the same structure as 'input_arrays'.
spatial_transforms (Optional[Sequence[Mapping[str, any]]], optional): A sequence of dictionaries containing the spatial transformations to apply to the data. Defaults to None. The dictionary should have the following structure::
{transform_name: {transform_args}}
raw_value_transforms (Optional[Callable], optional): A function to apply to the raw data. Defaults to None. Example is to normalize the raw data.
target_value_transforms (Optional[Callable | Sequence[Callable] | Mapping[str, Callable]], optional): A function to convert the ground truth data to target arrays. Defaults to None. Example is to convert the ground truth data to a signed distance transform. May be a single function, a list of functions, or a dictionary of functions for each class. In the case of a list of functions, it is assumed that the functions correspond to each class in the classes list in order. If the function is a dictionary, the keys should correspond to the classes in the 'classes' list. The function should return a tensor of the same shape as the input tensor. Note that target transforms are applied to the ground truth data and should generally not be used with use of true-negative data inferred using the 'class_relations_dict' (see below).
class_relation_dict (Optional[Mapping[str, Sequence[str]]], optional): A dictionary of classes that are mutually exclusive. If a class is not present in the ground truth data, it will be inferred from the other classes in the dictionary. Defaults to None.
is_train (bool, optional): Whether the dataset is for training, and thus should generate random spatial transforms, based on 'spatial_transforms'. Defaults to False.
axis_order (str, optional): The order of the axes in the dataset. Defaults to "zyx".
context (Optional[tensorstore.Context], optional): The TensorStore context for the image data. Defaults to None.
rng (Optional[torch.Generator], optional): A random number generator. Defaults to None.
force_has_data (bool, optional): Whether to force the dataset to report that it has data, regardless of existence of ground truth data. Useful for unsupervised training. Defaults to False.
empty_value (float | int, optional): The value to fill in for empty data. Defaults to torch.nan.
pad (bool, optional): Whether to pad the image data to match requested arrays. Defaults to False.
get_empty_store: Returns an empty store for the dataset based on the requested array.
get_target_array: Returns a target array source for the dataset, including the ability to infer true negatives from mutually exclusive classes.
get_label_array: Returns a target array source for a specific class in the dataset.
__len__: Returns the length of the dataset, determined by the number of coordinates that could be sampled as the center for an array request.
__getitem__: Returns a crop of the input and target data as PyTorch tensors, corresponding to the coordinate of the unwrapped index.
__repr__: Returns a string representation of the dataset.
verify: Verifies that the dataset has data.
get_indices: Returns the indices of the dataset that will produce non-overlapping tiles based on the requested chunk size.
to: Moves the dataset to the specified device.
generate_spatial_transforms: Generates random spatial transforms for the dataset when training and sets the current spatial transforms for all members of the dataset accordingly.
set_raw_value_transforms: Sets the function for transforming raw data values in the dataset. For example, this can be used to normalize the raw data.
set_target_value_transforms: Sets the function for transforming target data values in the dataset. For example, this can be used to convert ground truth data to a signed distance transform.
reset_arrays: Sets the array specifications for the dataset to return on requests.
center: Returns the center of the dataset in world units.
largest_voxel_sizes: Returns the largest voxel size requested of the dataset.
bounding_box: Returns the bounding box of the dataset.
bounding_box_shape: Returns the shape of the bounding box of the dataset in voxels of the largest voxel size requested.
sampling_box: Returns the sampling box of the dataset.
sampling_box_shape: Returns the shape of the sampling box of the dataset in voxels of the largest voxel size requested.
size: Returns the size of the dataset in voxels of the largest voxel size requested.
class_counts: Returns the number of pixels for each class in the ground truth data, normalized by the resolution.
class_weights: Returns the class weights for the dataset based on the number of samples in each class.
validation_indices: Returns the indices of the dataset that will produce non-overlapping tiles for use in validation, based on the largest requested image view.
device: Returns the device for the dataset.
def __init__(
raw_path: str, # TODO: Switch "raw_path" to "input_path"
target_path: str,
classes: Sequence[str],
input_arrays: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Sequence[int | float]]],
target_arrays: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Sequence[int | float]]],
spatial_transforms: Optional[Mapping[str, Mapping]] = None, # type: ignore
raw_value_transforms: Optional[Callable] = None,
target_value_transforms: Optional[
Callable | Sequence[Callable] | Mapping[str, Callable]
] = None,
class_relation_dict: Optional[Mapping[str, Sequence[str]]] = None,
is_train: bool = False,
axis_order: str = "zyx",
context: Optional[tensorstore.Context] = None, # type: ignore
rng: Optional[torch.Generator] = None,
force_has_data: bool = False,
empty_value: float | int = torch.nan,
pad: bool = True,
device: Optional[str | torch.device] = None,
) -> None:
"""Initializes the CellMapDataset class.
raw_path (str): The path to the raw data.
target_path (str): The path to the ground truth data.
classes (Sequence[str]): A list of classes for segmentation training. Class order will be preserved in the output arrays. Classes not contained in the dataset will be filled in with zeros.
input_arrays (Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Sequence[int | float]]]): A dictionary containing the arrays of the dataset to input to the network. The dictionary should have the following structure::
"array_name": {
"shape": tuple[int],
"scale": Sequence[float],
where 'array_name' is the name of the array, 'shape' is the shape of the array in voxels, and 'scale' is the scale of the array in world units.
target_arrays (Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Sequence[int | float]]]): A dictionary containing the arrays of the dataset to use as targets for the network. The dictionary should have the same structure as 'input_arrays'.
spatial_transforms (Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, optional): A sequence of dictionaries containing the spatial transformations to apply to the data. Defaults to None. The dictionary should have the following structure::
{transform_name: {transform_args}}
raw_value_transforms (Optional[Callable], optional): A function to apply to the raw data. Defaults to None. Example is to normalize the raw data.
target_value_transforms (Optional[Callable | Sequence[Callable] | Mapping[str, Callable]], optional): A function to convert the ground truth data to target arrays. Defaults to None. Example is to convert the ground truth data to a signed distance transform. May be a single function, a list of functions, or a dictionary of functions for each class. In the case of a list of functions, it is assumed that the functions correspond to each class in the classes list in order. If the function is a dictionary, the keys should correspond to the classes in the 'classes' list. The function should return a tensor of the same shape as the input tensor. Note that target transforms are applied to the ground truth data and should generally not be used with use of true-negative data inferred using the 'class_relations_dict'.
is_train (bool, optional): Whether the dataset is for training. Defaults to False.
context (Optional[tensorstore.Context], optional): The context for the image data. Defaults to None.
rng (Optional[torch.Generator], optional): A random number generator. Defaults to None.
force_has_data (bool, optional): Whether to force the dataset to report that it has data. Defaults to False.
empty_value (float | int, optional): The value to fill in for empty data. Defaults to torch.nan.
pad (bool, optional): Whether to pad the image data to match requested arrays. Defaults to False.
device (Optional[str | torch.device], optional): The device for the dataset. Defaults to None. If None, the device will be set to "cuda" if available, "mps" if available, or "cpu" if neither are available.
self.raw_path = raw_path
self.target_paths = target_path
self.target_path_str, self.classes_with_path = split_target_path(target_path)
self.classes = classes
self.input_arrays = input_arrays
self.target_arrays = target_arrays
self.spatial_transforms = spatial_transforms
self.raw_value_transforms = raw_value_transforms
self.target_value_transforms = target_value_transforms
self.class_relation_dict = class_relation_dict
self.is_train = is_train
self.axis_order = axis_order
self.context = context
self._rng = rng
self.force_has_data = force_has_data
self.empty_value = empty_value
self.pad = pad
self._current_center = None
self._current_spatial_transforms = None
self.input_sources: dict[str, CellMapImage] = {}
if device is not None:
self._device = torch.device(device)
for array_name, array_info in self.input_arrays.items():
self.input_sources[array_name] = CellMapImage(
array_info["shape"], # type: ignore
pad_value=0, # inputs to the network should be padded with 0
self.target_sources: dict[
str, dict[str, CellMapImage | EmptyImage | Sequence[str]]
] = {}
self.has_data = False
for array_name, array_info in self.target_arrays.items():
self.target_sources[array_name] = self.get_target_array(array_info)
def center(self) -> Mapping[str, float] | None:
"""Returns the center of the dataset in world units."""
return self._center
except AttributeError:
if self.bounding_box is None:
self._center = None
center = {}
for c, (start, stop) in self.bounding_box.items():
center[c] = start + (stop - start) / 2
self._center = center
return self._center
def largest_voxel_sizes(self) -> Mapping[str, float]:
"""Returns the largest voxel size of the dataset."""
return self._largest_voxel_sizes
except AttributeError:
largest_voxel_size = {c: 0.0 for c in self.axis_order}
for source in list(self.input_sources.values()) + list(
if isinstance(source, dict):
for _, source in source.items():
if not hasattr(source, "scale") or source.scale is None: # type: ignore
for c, size in source.scale.items(): # type: ignore
largest_voxel_size[c] = max(largest_voxel_size[c], size)
if not hasattr(source, "scale") or source.scale is None:
for c, size in source.scale.items():
largest_voxel_size[c] = max(largest_voxel_size[c], size)
self._largest_voxel_sizes = largest_voxel_size
return self._largest_voxel_sizes
def bounding_box(self) -> Mapping[str, list[float]]:
"""Returns the bounding box of the dataset."""
return self._bounding_box
except AttributeError:
bounding_box = None
for source in list(self.input_sources.values()) + list(
if isinstance(source, dict):
for source in source.values():
if not hasattr(source, "bounding_box"):
bounding_box = self._get_box_intersection(
source.bounding_box, bounding_box # type: ignore
if not hasattr(source, "bounding_box"):
bounding_box = self._get_box_intersection(
source.bounding_box, bounding_box
if bounding_box is None:
"Bounding box is None. This may result in errors when trying to sample from the dataset."
bounding_box = {c: [-np.inf, np.inf] for c in self.axis_order}
self._bounding_box = bounding_box
return self._bounding_box
def bounding_box_shape(self) -> Mapping[str, int]:
"""Returns the shape of the bounding box of the dataset in voxels of the largest voxel size requested."""
return self._bounding_box_shape
except AttributeError:
self._bounding_box_shape = self._get_box_shape(self.bounding_box)
return self._bounding_box_shape
def sampling_box(self) -> Mapping[str, list[float]]:
"""Returns the sampling box of the dataset (i.e. where centers can be drawn from and still have full samples drawn from within the bounding box)."""
return self._sampling_box
except AttributeError:
sampling_box = None
for source in list(self.input_sources.values()) + list(
if isinstance(source, dict):
for source in source.values():
if not hasattr(source, "sampling_box"):
sampling_box = self._get_box_intersection(
source.sampling_box, sampling_box # type: ignore
if not hasattr(source, "sampling_box"):
sampling_box = self._get_box_intersection(
source.sampling_box, sampling_box
if sampling_box is None:
"Sampling box is None. This may result in errors when trying to sample from the dataset."
sampling_box = {c: [-np.inf, np.inf] for c in self.axis_order}
self._sampling_box = sampling_box
return self._sampling_box
def sampling_box_shape(self) -> dict[str, int]:
"""Returns the shape of the sampling box of the dataset in voxels of the largest voxel size requested."""
return self._sampling_box_shape
except AttributeError:
self._sampling_box_shape = self._get_box_shape(self.sampling_box)
if self.pad:
for c, size in self._sampling_box_shape.items():
if size <= 0:
f"Sampling box shape is <= 0 for axis {c} with size {size}. Setting to 1 and padding."
self._sampling_box_shape[c] = 1
return self._sampling_box_shape
def size(self) -> int:
"""Returns the size of the dataset in voxels of the largest voxel size requested."""
return self._size
except AttributeError:
self._size = np.prod(
[stop - start for start, stop in self.bounding_box.values()]
return self._size
def class_counts(self) -> Mapping[str, Mapping[str, float]]:
"""Returns the number of pixels for each class in the ground truth data, normalized by the resolution."""
return self._class_counts
except AttributeError:
class_counts = {"totals": {c: 0.0 for c in self.classes}}
class_counts["totals"].update({c + "_bg": 0.0 for c in self.classes})
for array_name, sources in self.target_sources.items():
class_counts[array_name] = {}
for label, source in sources.items():
if not isinstance(source, CellMapImage):
class_counts[array_name][label] = 0.0
class_counts[array_name][label + "_bg"] = 0.0
class_counts[array_name][label] = source.class_counts
class_counts[array_name][label + "_bg"] = source.bg_count
class_counts["totals"][label] += source.class_counts
class_counts["totals"][label + "_bg"] += source.bg_count
self._class_counts = class_counts
return self._class_counts
def class_weights(self) -> Mapping[str, float]:
"""Returns the class weights for the dataset based on the number of samples in each class. Classes without any samples will have a weight of NaN."""
return self._class_weights
except AttributeError:
class_weights = {
c: (
self.class_counts["totals"][c + "_bg"]
/ self.class_counts["totals"][c]
if self.class_counts["totals"][c] != 0
else 1
for c in self.classes
self._class_weights = class_weights
return self._class_weights
def validation_indices(self) -> Sequence[int]:
"""Returns the indices of the dataset that will produce non-overlapping tiles for use in validation, based on the largest requested voxel size."""
return self._validation_indices
except AttributeError:
chunk_size = {}
for c, size in self.bounding_box_shape.items():
chunk_size[c] = np.ceil(size - self.sampling_box_shape[c]).astype(int)
self._validation_indices = self.get_indices(chunk_size)
return self._validation_indices
def device(self) -> torch.device:
"""Returns the device for the dataset."""
return self._device
except AttributeError:
if torch.cuda.is_available():
self._device = torch.device("cuda")
elif torch.backends.mps.is_available():
self._device = torch.device("mps")
self._device = torch.device("cpu")
return self._device
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""Returns the length of the dataset, determined by the number of coordinates that could be sampled as the center for an array request."""
if not self.has_data and not self.force_has_data:
return 0
return self._len
except AttributeError:
size = np.prod([self.sampling_box_shape[c] for c in self.axis_order])
self._len = int(size)
return self._len
def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
"""Returns a crop of the input and target data as PyTorch tensors, corresponding to the coordinate of the unwrapped index."""
idx = np.array(idx)
idx[idx < 0] = len(self) + idx[idx < 0]
center = np.unravel_index(
idx, [self.sampling_box_shape[c] for c in self.axis_order]
except ValueError:
# TODO: This is a hacky temprorary fix. Need to figure out why this is happening
f"Index {idx} out of bounds for dataset {self} of length {len(self)}"
logger.warning(f"Returning closest index in bounds")
center = [self.sampling_box_shape[c] - 1 for c in self.axis_order]
center = {
c: center[i] * self.largest_voxel_sizes[c] + self.sampling_box[c][0]
for i, c in enumerate(self.axis_order)
self._current_idx = idx
self._current_center = center
spatial_transforms = self.generate_spatial_transforms()
# TODO: Should do as many coordinate transformations as possible at the dataset level (duplicate reference frame images should have the same coordinate transformations) --> do this per array, perhaps with CellMapArray object
outputs = {}
for array_name in self.input_arrays.keys():
array = self.input_sources[array_name][center] # type: ignore
# TODO: Assumes 1 channel (i.e. grayscale)
if array.shape[0] != 1:
outputs[array_name] = array[None, ...]
outputs[array_name] = array
# TODO: Allow for distribution of array gathering to multiple threads, perhaps with CellMapArray object
for array_name in self.target_arrays.keys():
class_arrays = {}
inferred_arrays = []
for label in self.classes:
if isinstance(
self.target_sources[array_name][label], (CellMapImage, EmptyImage)
].set_spatial_transforms( # type: ignore
array = self.target_sources[array_name][label][
].squeeze() # type: ignore
# Add to list of arrays to infer
array = None
class_arrays[label] = array
for label in inferred_arrays:
# Make array of true negatives
array = self.get_empty_store(
self.target_arrays[array_name], device=self.device
) # type: ignore
for other_label in self.target_sources[array_name][label]: # type: ignore
if class_arrays[other_label] is not None:
mask = class_arrays[other_label] > 0
array[mask] = 0
class_arrays[label] = array
outputs[array_name] = torch.stack(list(class_arrays.values()))
return outputs
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Returns a string representation of the dataset."""
return f"CellMapDataset(\n\tRaw path: {self.raw_path}\n\tGT path(s): {self.target_paths}\n\tClasses: {self.classes})"
def get_empty_store(
self, array_info: Mapping[str, Sequence[int]], device: torch.device
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Returns an empty store, based on the requested array."""
# assert isinstance(
# self.empty_value, (float, int)
# ), "Empty value must be a number or NaN."
empty_store = torch.ones(array_info["shape"], device=device) * self.empty_value
return empty_store.squeeze()
def get_target_array(
self, array_info: Mapping[str, Sequence[int | float]]
) -> dict[str, CellMapImage | EmptyImage | Sequence[str]]:
"""Returns a target array source for the dataset. Creates a dictionary of image sources for each class in the dataset. For classes that are not present in the ground truth data, the data can be inferred from the other classes in the dataset. This is useful for training segmentation networks with mutually exclusive classes."""
empty_store = self.get_empty_store(array_info, device=self.device) # type: ignore
target_array = {}
for i, label in enumerate(self.classes):
target_array[label] = self.get_label_array(
label, i, array_info, empty_store
# Check to make sure we aren't trying to define true negatives with non-existent images
for label in self.classes:
if isinstance(target_array[label], (CellMapImage, EmptyImage)):
is_empty = True
for other_label in target_array[label]:
if other_label in target_array and isinstance(
target_array[other_label], CellMapImage
is_empty = False
if is_empty:
target_array[label] = EmptyImage(
label, array_info["scale"], array_info["shape"], empty_store # type: ignore
return target_array
def get_label_array(
label: str,
i: int,
array_info: Mapping[str, Sequence[int | float]],
empty_store: torch.Tensor,
) -> CellMapImage | EmptyImage | Sequence[str]:
"""Returns a target array source for a specific class in the dataset."""
if label in self.classes_with_path:
if isinstance(self.target_value_transforms, dict):
value_transform: Callable = self.target_value_transforms[label]
elif isinstance(self.target_value_transforms, list):
value_transform = self.target_value_transforms[i]
value_transform = self.target_value_transforms # type: ignore
array = CellMapImage(
array_info["shape"], # type: ignore
if not self.has_data:
self.has_data = array.class_counts != 0
if (
self.class_relation_dict is not None
and label in self.class_relation_dict
# Add lookup of source images for true-negatives in absence of annotations
array = self.class_relation_dict[label]
array = EmptyImage(
label, array_info["scale"], array_info["shape"], empty_store # type: ignore
return array
def _get_box_shape(self, source_box: Mapping[str, list[float]]) -> dict[str, int]:
"""Returns the shape of the box in voxels of the largest voxel size requested."""
box_shape = {}
for c, (start, stop) in source_box.items():
size = stop - start
size /= self.largest_voxel_sizes[c]
box_shape[c] = int(np.floor(size))
return box_shape
def _get_box_intersection(
source_box: Mapping[str, list[float]] | None,
current_box: Mapping[str, list[float]] | None,
) -> Mapping[str, list[float]] | None:
"""Returns the intersection of the source and current boxes."""
if source_box is not None:
if current_box is None:
return source_box
for c, (start, stop) in source_box.items():
assert stop > start, f"Invalid box: {start} to {stop}"
current_box[c][0] = max(current_box[c][0], start)
current_box[c][1] = min(current_box[c][1], stop)
return current_box
def verify(self) -> bool:
"""Verifies that the dataset is valid to draw samples from."""
# TODO: make more robust
return len(self) > 0
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
return False
def get_indices(self, chunk_size: Mapping[str, int]) -> Sequence[int]:
"""Returns the indices of the dataset that will tile the dataset according to the chunk_size."""
# Get padding per axis
indices_dict = {}
for c, size in chunk_size.items():
indices_dict[c] = np.arange(0, self.sampling_box_shape[c], size, dtype=int)
indices = []
# Generate linear indices by unraveling all combinations of axes indices
for i in np.ndindex(*[len(indices_dict[c]) for c in self.axis_order]):
index = [indices_dict[c][j] for c, j in zip(self.axis_order, i)]
index = np.ravel_multi_index(index, list(self.sampling_box_shape.values()))
return indices
def to(self, device: str | torch.device) -> "CellMapDataset":
"""Sets the device for the dataset."""
self._device = torch.device(device)
for source in list(self.input_sources.values()) + list(
if isinstance(source, dict):
for source in source.values():
if not hasattr(source, "to"):
if not hasattr(source, "to"):
return self
def reset_arrays(self, type: str = "target") -> None:
"""Sets the arrays for the dataset to return."""
if type.lower() == "input":
self.input_sources = {}
for array_name, array_info in self.input_arrays.items():
self.input_sources[array_name] = CellMapImage(
array_info["shape"], # type: ignore
pad_value=0, # inputs to the network should be padded with 0
elif type.lower() == "target":
self.target_sources = {}
self.has_data = False
for array_name, array_info in self.target_arrays.items():
self.target_sources[array_name] = self.get_target_array(array_info)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown dataset array type: {type}")
def empty() -> "CellMapDataset":
"""Creates an empty dataset."""
empty_dataset = CellMapDataset("", "", [], {}, {})
empty_dataset.classes = []
empty_dataset._class_counts = {}
empty_dataset._class_weights = {}
empty_dataset._validation_indices = []
return empty_dataset