Source code for cellmap_data.datasplit

import csv
import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, Optional, Sequence
import tensorstore
import torch
import torchvision.transforms.v2 as T
from tqdm import tqdm
from .transforms.augment import NaNtoNum, Normalize, Binarize
from .dataset import CellMapDataset
from .multidataset import CellMapMultiDataset
from .subdataset import CellMapSubset
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class CellMapDataSplit: """ A class to split the data into training and validation datasets. Attributes: input_arrays (dict[str, dict[str, Sequence[int | float]]]): A dictionary containing the arrays of the dataset to input to the network. The dictionary should have the following structure:: { "array_name": { "shape": tuple[int], "scale": Sequence[float], }, ... } target_arrays (dict[str, dict[str, Sequence[int | float]]]): A dictionary containing the arrays of the dataset to use as targets for the network. The dictionary should have the same structure as input_arrays. classes (Sequence[str]): A list of classes for segmentation training. Class order will be preserved in the output arrays. empty_value (int | float): The value to use for empty data. Defaults to torch.nan. pad (bool | str): Whether to pad the data. If a string, it should be either "train" or "validate". Defaults to False. datasets (Optional[Mapping[str, Sequence[CellMapDataset]]]): A dictionary containing the dataset objects. The dictionary should have the following structure: { "train": Iterable[CellMapDataset], "validate": Iterable[CellMapDataset], }. Defaults to None. dataset_dict (Optional[Mapping[str, Sequence[Mapping[str, str]]]): A dictionary containing the dataset data. Defaults to None. The dictionary should have the following structure:: { "train" | "validate": [{ "raw": str (path to raw data), "gt": str (path to ground truth data), }], ... } csv_path (Optional[str]): A path to a csv file containing the dataset data. Defaults to None. Each row in the csv file should have the following structure: train | validate, raw path, gt path spatial_transforms (Optional[Sequence[dict[str, Any]]]): A sequence of dictionaries containing the spatial transformations to apply to the data. Defaults to None. The dictionary should have the following structure:: {transform_name: {transform_args}} train_raw_value_transforms (Optional[Callable]): A function to apply to the raw data in training datasets. Example is to add gaussian noise to the raw data. Defailts to Normalize, ToDtype, and NaNtoNum. val_raw_value_transforms (Optional[Callable]): A function to apply to the raw data in validation datasets. Example is to normalize the raw data. Defaults to Normalize, ToDtype, and NaNtoNum. target_value_transforms (Optional[Callable | Sequence[Callable] | Mapping[str, Callable]]): A function to convert the ground truth data to target arrays. Example is to convert the ground truth data to a signed distance transform. May be a single function, a list of functions, or a dictionary of functions for each class. In the case of a list of functions, it is assumed that the functions correspond to each class in the classes list in order. Defaults to ToDtype and Binarize. class_relation_dict (Optional[Mapping[str, Sequence[str]]]): A dictionary containing the class relations. The dictionary should have the following structure:: { "class_name": [mutually_exclusive_class_name, ...], ... } force_has_data (bool): Whether to force the datasets to have data even if no ground truth data is found. Defaults to False. Useful for training with only raw data. context (Optional[tensorstore.Context]): The TensorStore context for the image data. Defaults to None. device (Optional[str | torch.device]): Device to use for the dataloaders. Defaults to None. Note: The csv_path, dataset_dict, and datasets arguments are mutually exclusive, but one must be supplied. Methods: __repr__(): Returns the string representation of the class. from_csv(csv_path: str): Loads the dataset data from a csv file. construct(dataset_dict: Mapping[str, Sequence[Mapping[str, str]]]): Constructs the datasets from the dataset dictionary. verify_datasets(): Verifies that the datasets have data, and removes ones that don't from 'self.train_datasets' and 'self.validation_datasets'. set_raw_value_transforms(train_transforms: Optional[Callable] = None, val_transforms: Optional[Callable] = None): Sets the raw value transforms for each dataset in the training/validation multi-datasets. set_target_value_transforms(transforms: Callable): Sets the target value transforms for each dataset in both training and validation multi-datasets. set_spatial_transforms(spatial_transforms: dict[str, Any] | None): Sets the spatial transforms for each dataset in the training multi-dataset. set_arrays(arrays: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Sequence[int | float]]], type: str = "target", usage: str = "validate"): Sets the input or target arrays for the training or validation datasets. Properties: train_datasets_combined: A multi-dataset from the combination of all training datasets. validation_datasets_combined: A multi-dataset from the combination of all validation datasets. validation_blocks: A subset of the validation datasets, tiling the validation datasets with non-overlapping blocks. class_counts: A dictionary containing the class counts for the training and validation datasets. """
[docs] def __init__( self, input_arrays: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Sequence[int | float]]], target_arrays: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Sequence[int | float]]], classes: Sequence[str], empty_value: int | float = torch.nan, pad: bool | str = False, datasets: Optional[Mapping[str, Sequence[CellMapDataset]]] = None, dataset_dict: Optional[Mapping[str, Sequence[Mapping[str, str]]]] = None, csv_path: Optional[str] = None, spatial_transforms: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, train_raw_value_transforms: Optional[T.Transform] = T.Compose( [ Normalize(), T.ToDtype(torch.float, scale=True), NaNtoNum({"nan": 0, "posinf": None, "neginf": None}), ], ), val_raw_value_transforms: Optional[T.Transform] = T.Compose( [ Normalize(), T.ToDtype(torch.float, scale=True), NaNtoNum({"nan": 0, "posinf": None, "neginf": None}), ], ), target_value_transforms: Optional[T.Transform] = T.Compose( [T.ToDtype(torch.float), Binarize()] ), class_relation_dict: Optional[Mapping[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, force_has_data: bool = False, context: Optional[tensorstore.Context] = None, # type: ignore device: Optional[str | torch.device] = None, ) -> None: """Initializes the CellMapDatasets class. Args: input_arrays (dict[str, dict[str, Sequence[int | float]]]): A dictionary containing the arrays of the dataset to input to the network. The dictionary should have the following structure:: { "array_name": { "shape": tuple[int], "scale": Sequence[float], }, ... } target_arrays (dict[str, dict[str, Sequence[int | float]]]): A dictionary containing the arrays of the dataset to use as targets for the network. The dictionary should have the same structure as input_arrays. classes (Sequence[str]): A list of classes for segmentation training. Class order will be preserved in the output arrays. empty_value (int | float): The value to use for empty data. Defaults to torch.nan. pad (bool | str): Whether to pad the data. If a string, it should be either "train" or "validate". Defaults to False. datasets (Optional[Mapping[str, Sequence[CellMapDataset]]]): A dictionary containing the dataset objects. Defaults to None. The dictionary should have the following structure:: { "train": Iterable[CellMapDataset], "validate": Iterable[CellMapDataset], }. dataset_dict (Optional[Mapping[str, Sequence[Mapping[str, str]]]): A dictionary containing the dataset data. Defaults to None. The dictionary should have the following structure:: { "train" | "validate": [{ "raw": str (path to raw data), "gt": str (path to ground truth data), }], ... } csv_path (Optional[str]): A path to a csv file containing the dataset data. Defaults to None. Each row in the csv file should have the following structure:" train | validate, raw path, gt path spatial_transforms (Optional[Sequence[dict[str, Any]]]): A sequence of dictionaries containing the spatial transformations to apply to the data. Defaults to None. The dictionary should have the following structure:: {transform_name: {transform_args}} train_raw_value_transforms (Optional[Callable]): A function to apply to the raw data in training datasets. Defaults to None. Example is to add gaussian noise to the raw data. val_raw_value_transforms (Optional[Callable]): A function to apply to the raw data in validation datasets. Defaults to None. Example is to normalize the raw data. target_value_transforms (Optional[Callable | Sequence[Callable] | Mapping[str, Callable]]): A function to convert the ground truth data to target arrays. Defaults to None. Example is to convert the ground truth data to a signed distance transform. May be a single function, a list of functions, or a dictionary of functions for each class. In the case of a list of functions, it is assumed that the functions correspond to each class in the classes list in order. class_relation_dict (Optional[Mapping[str, Sequence[str]]]): A dictionary containing the class relations. The dictionary should have the following structure:: { "class_name": [mutually_exclusive_class_name, ...], ... } force_has_data (bool): Whether to force the datasets to have data even if no ground truth data is found. Defaults to False. Useful for training with only raw data. context (Optional[tensorstore.Context]): The TensorStore context for the image data. Defaults to None. device (Optional[str | torch.device]): Device to use for the dataloaders. Defaults to None. Note: The csv_path, dataset_dict, and datasets arguments are mutually exclusive, but one must be supplied. """"Initializing CellMapDataSplit...") self.input_arrays = input_arrays self.target_arrays = target_arrays self.classes = classes self.empty_value = empty_value self.pad = pad self.device = device if isinstance(pad, str): self.pad_training = pad.lower() == "train" self.pad_validation = pad.lower() == "validate" else: self.pad_training = pad self.pad_validation = pad self.force_has_data = force_has_data if datasets is not None: self.datasets = datasets self.train_datasets = datasets["train"] if "validate" in datasets: self.validation_datasets = datasets["validate"] else: self.validation_datasets = [] self.dataset_dict = None elif dataset_dict is not None: self.dataset_dict = dataset_dict elif csv_path is not None: self.dataset_dict = self.from_csv(csv_path) self.spatial_transforms = spatial_transforms self.train_raw_value_transforms = train_raw_value_transforms self.val_raw_value_transforms = val_raw_value_transforms self.target_value_transforms = target_value_transforms self.class_relation_dict = class_relation_dict self.context = context if self.dataset_dict is not None: self.construct(self.dataset_dict) self.verify_datasets() assert len(self.train_datasets) > 0, "No valid training datasets found.""CellMapDataSplit initialized.")
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Returns the string representation of the class.""" return f"CellMapDataSplit(\n\tInput arrays: {self.input_arrays}\n\tTarget arrays:{self.target_arrays}\n\tClasses: {self.classes}\n\tDataset dict: {self.dataset_dict}\n\tSpatial transforms: {self.spatial_transforms}\n\tRaw value transforms: {self.train_raw_value_transforms}\n\tGT value transforms: {self.target_value_transforms}\n\tForce has data: {self.force_has_data}\n\tContext: {self.context})" @property def train_datasets_combined(self) -> CellMapMultiDataset: """A multi-dataset from the combination of all training datasets.""" try: return self._train_datasets_combined except AttributeError: self._train_datasets_combined = CellMapMultiDataset( self.classes, self.input_arrays, self.target_arrays, [ ds for ds in self.train_datasets if self.force_has_data or ds.has_data ], ) return self._train_datasets_combined @property def validation_datasets_combined(self) -> CellMapMultiDataset: """A multi-dataset from the combination of all validation datasets.""" try: return self._validation_datasets_combined except AttributeError: if len(self.validation_datasets) == 0: UserWarning("Validation datasets not loaded.") self._validation_datasets_combined = CellMapMultiDataset.empty() else: self._validation_datasets_combined = CellMapMultiDataset( self.classes, self.input_arrays, self.target_arrays, [ ds for ds in self.validation_datasets if self.force_has_data or ds.has_data ], ) return self._validation_datasets_combined @property def validation_blocks(self) -> CellMapSubset: """A subset of the validation datasets, tiling the validation datasets with non-overlapping blocks.""" try: return self._validation_blocks except AttributeError: self._validation_blocks = CellMapSubset( self.validation_datasets_combined, self.validation_datasets_combined.validation_indices, ) return self._validation_blocks @property def class_counts(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, float]]: """A dictionary containing the class counts for the training and validation datasets.""" try: return self._class_counts except AttributeError: self._class_counts = { "train": self.train_datasets_combined.class_counts, "validate": self.validation_datasets_combined.class_counts, } return self._class_counts
[docs] def from_csv(self, csv_path) -> dict[str, Sequence[dict[str, str]]]: """Loads the dataset_dict data from a csv file.""" dataset_dict = {} with open(csv_path, "r") as f: reader = csv.reader(f) print("Reading csv file...") for row in reader: if row[0] not in dataset_dict: dataset_dict[row[0]] = [] dataset_dict[row[0]].append( { "raw": os.path.join(row[1], row[2]), "gt": os.path.join(row[3], row[4]) if len(row) > 3 else "", } ) return dataset_dict
[docs] def construct(self, dataset_dict) -> None: """Constructs the datasets from the dataset dictionary.""" self.train_datasets = [] self.validation_datasets = [] self.datasets = {} print("Constructing datasets...") for data_paths in tqdm(dataset_dict["train"], desc="Training datasets"): try: self.train_datasets.append( CellMapDataset( data_paths["raw"], data_paths["gt"], self.classes, self.input_arrays, self.target_arrays, self.spatial_transforms, self.train_raw_value_transforms, self.target_value_transforms, is_train=True, context=self.context, force_has_data=self.force_has_data, empty_value=self.empty_value, class_relation_dict=self.class_relation_dict, pad=self.pad_training, device=self.device, ) ) except ValueError as e: print(f"Error loading dataset: {e}") self.datasets["train"] = self.train_datasets # TODO: probably want larger arrays for validation if "validate" in dataset_dict: for data_paths in tqdm( dataset_dict["validate"], desc="Validation datasets" ): try: self.validation_datasets.append( CellMapDataset( data_paths["raw"], data_paths["gt"], self.classes, self.input_arrays, self.target_arrays, raw_value_transforms=self.val_raw_value_transforms, target_value_transforms=self.target_value_transforms, is_train=False, context=self.context, force_has_data=self.force_has_data, empty_value=self.empty_value, class_relation_dict=self.class_relation_dict, pad=self.pad_validation, device=self.device, ) ) except ValueError as e: print(f"Error loading dataset: {e}") self.datasets["validate"] = self.validation_datasets
[docs] def verify_datasets(self) -> None: """Verifies that the datasets have data, and removes ones that don't from ``self.train_datasets`` and ``self.validation_datasets``.""" if self.force_has_data: return print("Verifying datasets...") verified_datasets = [] for ds in tqdm(self.train_datasets, desc="Training datasets"): if ds.verify(): verified_datasets.append(ds) self.train_datasets = verified_datasets verified_datasets = [] for ds in tqdm(self.validation_datasets, desc="Validation datasets"): if ds.verify(): verified_datasets.append(ds) self.validation_datasets = verified_datasets
[docs] def set_raw_value_transforms( self, train_transforms: Optional[Callable] = None, val_transforms: Optional[Callable] = None, ) -> None: """Sets the raw value transforms for each dataset in the training/validation multi-datasets.""" if train_transforms is not None: for dataset in self.train_datasets: dataset.set_raw_value_transforms(train_transforms) if hasattr(self, "_train_datasets_combined"): self._train_datasets_combined.set_raw_value_transforms(train_transforms) if val_transforms is not None: for dataset in self.validation_datasets: dataset.set_raw_value_transforms(val_transforms) if hasattr(self, "_validation_datasets_combined"): self._validation_datasets_combined.set_raw_value_transforms( val_transforms )
[docs] def set_target_value_transforms(self, transforms: Callable) -> None: """Sets the target value transforms for each dataset in the multi-datasets.""" for dataset in self.train_datasets: dataset.set_target_value_transforms(transforms) if hasattr(self, "_train_datasets_combined"): self._train_datasets_combined.set_target_value_transforms(transforms) for dataset in self.validation_datasets: dataset.set_target_value_transforms(transforms) if hasattr(self, "_validation_datasets_combined"): self._validation_datasets_combined.set_target_value_transforms(transforms) if hasattr(self, "_validation_blocks"): self._validation_blocks.set_target_value_transforms(transforms)
[docs] def set_spatial_transforms( self, train_transforms: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, val_transforms: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """Sets the raw value transforms for each dataset in the training/validation multi-dataset.""" if train_transforms is not None: for dataset in self.train_datasets: dataset.spatial_transforms = train_transforms if hasattr(self, "_train_datasets_combined"): self._train_datasets_combined.set_spatial_transforms(train_transforms) if val_transforms is not None: for dataset in self.validation_datasets: dataset.spatial_transforms = val_transforms if hasattr(self, "_validation_datasets_combined"): self._validation_datasets_combined.set_spatial_transforms( val_transforms )
[docs] def set_arrays( self, arrays: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Sequence[int | float]]], type: str = "target", usage: str = "validate", ) -> None: """Sets the input or target arrays for the training or validation datasets.""" reset_attrs = [] for dataset in self.datasets[usage]: if type == "inputs": dataset.input_arrays = arrays elif type == "target": dataset.target_arrays = arrays else: raise ValueError("Type must be 'inputs' or 'target'.") dataset.reset_arrays(type) if usage == "train": self.train_datasets = self.datasets["train"] reset_attrs.append("_train_datasets_combined") elif usage == "validate": self.validation_datasets = self.datasets["validate"] reset_attrs.extend(["_validation_datasets_combined", "_validation_blocks"]) for attr in reset_attrs: if hasattr(self, attr): delattr(self, attr)
[docs] def to(self, device: str | torch.device) -> None: """Sets the device for the dataloaders.""" self.device = device for dataset in self.train_datasets: for dataset in self.validation_datasets: if hasattr(self, "_train_datasets_combined"): if hasattr(self, "_validation_datasets_combined"): if hasattr(self, "_validation_blocks"):