import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, Optional, Sequence
import numpy as np
import tensorstore
import torch
import xarray
import xarray_tensorstore as xt
import zarr
from pydantic_ome_ngff.v04.axis import Axis
from pydantic_ome_ngff.v04.multiscale import MultiscaleGroupAttrs, MultiscaleMetadata
from pydantic_ome_ngff.v04.transform import (
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as rot
from upath import UPath
from xarray_ome_ngff.v04.multiscale import coords_from_transforms
from cellmap_data.utils import create_multiscale_metadata
class CellMapImage:
A class for handling image data from a CellMap dataset.
This class is used to load image data from a CellMap dataset, and can apply spatial transformations to the data. It also handles the loading of the image data from the dataset, and can apply value transformations to the data. The image data is returned as a PyTorch tensor formatted for use in training, and can be loaded onto a specified device.
path (str): The path to the multiscale image file.
label_class (str): The label class of the image.
scale (Mapping[str, float]): The scale of the image in physical space.
output_shape (Mapping[str, int]): The shape of data returned from image queries in voxels.
axes (str): The order of the axes in the image.
value_transform (Optional[Callable]): A function to transform the image data, such as adding gaussian noise.
context (Optional[tensorstore.Context]): The context for the TensorStore.
__getitem__(center: Mapping[str, float]) -> torch.Tensor: Returns image data centered around the given point.
__repr__() -> str: Returns a string representation of the CellMapImage object.
apply_spatial_transforms(coords: Mapping[str, Sequence[float]]) -> torch.Tensor: Applies spatial transformations to the given coordinates and returns the tensor of the resulting data.
return_data(coords: Mapping[str, Sequence[float]]) -> xarray.DataArray: Pulls data from the image based on the given coordinates and returns the data as an xarray DataArray.
set_spatial_transforms(transforms: Mapping[str, Any] | None): Sets spatial transformations for the image data, used for setting uniform transformations to all images within a dataset.
to(device: str): Sets what device returned image data will be loaded onto.
shape (Mapping[str, int]): Returns the shape of the image in voxels.
center (Mapping[str, float]): Returns the center of the image in world units.
multiscale_attrs: Returns CellMap specified multiscale metadata of the image.
coordinateTransformations: Returns the coordinate transformations of the image specified in its metadata (e.g. scale and translation).
full_coords: Returns the full coordinates of the image in world units.
scale_level (str): Returns the path extension for the multiscale level of the image (e.g. 's0').
group (zarr.Group): Returns the multiscale zarr group object for the image.
array_path (str): Returns the path to the single-scale image array.
array (xarray.DataArray): Returns the image data as an xarray DataArray.
translation (Mapping[str, float]): Returns the translation of the image in world units.
bounding_box (Mapping[str, list[float]]): Returns the bounding box of the dataset in world units.
sampling_box (Mapping[str, list[float]]): Returns the sampling box of the dataset in world units.
bg_count (float): Returns the number of background pixels in the ground truth data, normalized by the resolution.
class_counts (float): Returns the number of pixels for the contained class in the ground truth data, normalized by the resolution.
device (str): Returns the device that the image data will be loaded onto.
def __init__(
path: str,
target_class: str,
target_scale: Sequence[float],
target_voxel_shape: Sequence[int],
pad: bool = False,
pad_value: float | int = np.nan,
interpolation: str = "nearest",
axis_order: str | Sequence[str] = "zyx",
value_transform: Optional[Callable] = None,
context: Optional[tensorstore.Context] = None, # type: ignore
device: Optional[str | torch.device] = None,
) -> None:
"""Initializes a CellMapImage object.
path (str): The path to the image file.
target_class (str): The label class of the image.
target_scale (Sequence[float]): The scale of the image data to return in physical space.
target_voxel_shape (Sequence[int]): The shape of the image data to return in voxels.
axis_order (str, optional): The order of the axes in the image. Defaults to "zyx".
value_transform (Optional[callable], optional): A function to transform the image pixel data. Defaults to None.
context (Optional[tensorstore.Context], optional): The context for the image data. Defaults to None.
device (Optional[str | torch.device], optional): The device to load the image data onto. Defaults to "cuda" if available, then "mps", then "cpu".
self.path = path
self.label_class = target_class
# TODO: Below makes assumptions about image scale, and also locks which axis is sliced to 2D
if len(axis_order) > len(target_scale):
target_scale = [target_scale[0]] * (
len(axis_order) - len(target_scale)
) + list(target_scale)
if len(axis_order) > len(target_voxel_shape):
target_voxel_shape = [1] * (
len(axis_order) - len(target_voxel_shape)
) + list(target_voxel_shape)
self.pad = pad
self.pad_value = pad_value
self.interpolation = interpolation
self.scale = {c: s for c, s in zip(axis_order, target_scale)}
self.output_shape = {c: t for c, t in zip(axis_order, target_voxel_shape)}
self.output_size = {
c: t * s for c, t, s in zip(axis_order, target_voxel_shape, target_scale)
self.axes = axis_order[: len(target_voxel_shape)]
self.value_transform = value_transform
self.context = context
self._current_spatial_transforms = None
self._current_coords = None
self._current_center = None
if device is not None:
self.device = device
elif torch.cuda.is_available():
self.device = "cuda"
elif torch.backends.mps.is_available():
self.device = "mps"
self.device = "cpu"
def __getitem__(self, center: Mapping[str, float]) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Returns image data centered around the given point, based on the scale and shape of the target output image."""
if isinstance(list(center.values())[0], int | float):
self._current_center = center
# Find vectors of coordinates in world space to pull data from
coords = {}
for c in self.axes:
if center[c] - self.output_size[c] / 2 < self.bounding_box[c][0]:
# raise ValueError(
f"Center {center[c]} is out of bounds for axis {c} in image {self.path}. {center[c] - self.output_size[c] / 2} would be less than {self.bounding_box[c][0]}"
# center[c] = self.bounding_box[c][0] + self.output_size[c] / 2
if center[c] + self.output_size[c] / 2 > self.bounding_box[c][1]:
# raise ValueError(
f"Center {center[c]} is out of bounds for axis {c} in image {self.path}. {center[c] + self.output_size[c] / 2} would be greater than {self.bounding_box[c][1]}"
# center[c] = self.bounding_box[c][1] - self.output_size[c] / 2
coords[c] = np.linspace(
center[c] - self.output_size[c] / 2,
center[c] + self.output_size[c] / 2,
# Apply any spatial transformations to the coordinates and return the image data as a PyTorch tensor
data = self.apply_spatial_transforms(coords)
self._current_center = None
self._current_coords = center
data = torch.tensor(self.return_data(self._current_coords).values) # type: ignore
# Apply any value transformations to the data
if self.value_transform is not None:
data = self.value_transform(data)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Returns a string representation of the CellMapImage object."""
return f"CellMapImage({self.array_path})"
def shape(self) -> Mapping[str, int]:
"""Returns the shape of the image."""
return self._shape
except AttributeError:
self._shape: dict[str, int] = {
for i, c in enumerate(self.axes)
return self._shape
def center(self) -> Mapping[str, float]:
"""Returns the center of the image in world units."""
return self._center
except AttributeError:
center = {}
for c, (start, stop) in self.bounding_box.items():
center[c] = start + (stop - start) / 2
self._center: dict[str, float] = center
return self._center
def multiscale_attrs(self) -> MultiscaleMetadata:
"""Returns the multiscale metadata of the image."""
return self._multiscale_attrs
except AttributeError:
self._multiscale_attrs: MultiscaleMetadata = MultiscaleGroupAttrs(["multiscales"]
return self._multiscale_attrs
def coordinateTransformations(
) -> tuple[Scale] | tuple[Scale, Translation]:
"""Returns the coordinate transformations of the image, based on the multiscale metadata."""
return self._coordinateTransformations
except AttributeError:
# multi_tx = multi.coordinateTransformations
dset = [
for ds in self.multiscale_attrs.datasets
if ds.path == self.scale_level
# tx_fused = normalize_transforms(multi_tx, dset.coordinateTransformations)
self._coordinateTransformations = dset.coordinateTransformations
return self._coordinateTransformations
def full_coords(self) -> tuple[xarray.DataArray, ...]:
"""Returns the full coordinates of the image's axes in world units."""
return self._full_coords
except AttributeError:
self._full_coords = coords_from_transforms(
transforms=self.coordinateTransformations, # type: ignore
# transforms=tx_fused,[self.scale_level].shape, # type: ignore
return self._full_coords
def scale_level(self) -> str:
"""Returns the multiscale level of the image."""
return self._scale_level
except AttributeError:
self._scale_level = self.find_level(self.scale)
return self._scale_level
def group(self) -> zarr.Group:
"""Returns the zarr group object for the multiscale image."""
return self._group
except AttributeError:
if self.path[:5] == "s3://":
self._group = zarr.open_group(
zarr.N5FSStore(self.path, anon=True), mode="r"
self._group = zarr.open_group(self.path, mode="r")
return self._group
def array_path(self) -> str:
"""Returns the path to the single-scale image array."""
return self._array_path
except AttributeError:
self._array_path = os.path.join(self.path, self.scale_level)
return self._array_path
def array(self) -> xarray.DataArray:
"""Returns the image data as an xarray DataArray."""
return self._array
except AttributeError:
# Construct an xarray with Tensorstore backend
spec = xt._zarr_spec_from_path(self.array_path)
array_future =
spec, read=True, write=False, context=self.context
array = array_future.result()
except ValueError as e:
UserWarning("Falling back to zarr3 driver")
spec["driver"] = "zarr3"
array_future =
spec, read=True, write=False, context=self.context
array = array_future.result()
data = xt._TensorStoreAdapter(array)
self._array = xarray.DataArray(data=data, coords=self.full_coords)
return self._array
def translation(self) -> Mapping[str, float]:
"""Returns the translation of the image."""
return self._translation
except AttributeError:
# Get the translation of the image
self._translation = {c: self.bounding_box[c][0] for c in self.axes}
return self._translation
def bounding_box(self) -> Mapping[str, list[float]]:
"""Returns the bounding box of the dataset in world units."""
return self._bounding_box
except AttributeError:
self._bounding_box = {}
for coord in self.full_coords:
self._bounding_box[coord.dims[0]] = [,]
return self._bounding_box
def sampling_box(self) -> Mapping[str, list[float]]:
"""Returns the sampling box of the dataset (i.e. where centers can be drawn from and still have full samples drawn from within the bounding box), in world units."""
return self._sampling_box
except AttributeError:
self._sampling_box = {}
output_padding = {c: np.ceil(s / 2) for c, s in self.output_size.items()}
for c, (start, stop) in self.bounding_box.items():
self._sampling_box[c] = [
start + output_padding[c],
stop - output_padding[c],
assert (
self._sampling_box[c][0] < self._sampling_box[c][1]
), f"Sampling box for axis {c} is invalid: {self._sampling_box[c]} for image {self.path}. Image is not large enough to sample from as requested."
except AssertionError as e:
if self.pad:
self._sampling_box[c] = [[c] - self.scale[c],[c] + self.scale[c],
self._sampling_box = None
raise e
return self._sampling_box
def bg_count(self) -> float:
"""Returns the number of background pixels in the ground truth data, normalized by the resolution."""
return self._bg_count
except AttributeError:
# Get from cellmap-schemas metadata, then normalize by resolution - get class counts at same time
_ = self.class_counts
return self._bg_count
def class_counts(self) -> float:
"""Returns the number of pixels for the contained class in the ground truth data, normalized by the resolution."""
return self._class_counts # type: ignore
except AttributeError:
# Get from cellmap-schemas metadata, then normalize by resolution
bg_count =["s0"].attrs["cellmap"]["annotation"][
for scale in["multiscales"][0]["datasets"]:
if scale["path"] == "s0":
for transform in scale["coordinateTransformations"]:
if "scale" in transform:
s0_scale = transform["scale"]
self._class_counts = (["s0"].shape) - bg_count
) *
self._bg_count = bg_count *
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
print(f"Unable to get class counts for {self.path}")
# print("from metadata, falling back to giving foreground 1 pixel, and the rest to background.")
self._class_counts =
self._bg_count = ([self.scale_level].shape) - 1
) *
return self._class_counts # type: ignore
def to(self, device: str) -> None:
"""Sets what device returned image data will be loaded onto."""
self.device = device
def find_level(self, target_scale: Mapping[str, float]) -> str:
"""Finds the multiscale level that is closest to the target scale."""
# Get the order of axes in the image
axes = []
for axis in["multiscales"][0]["axes"]:
if axis["type"] == "space":
last_path: str | None = None
scale = {}
for level in["multiscales"][0]["datasets"]:
for transform in level["coordinateTransformations"]:
if "scale" in transform:
scale = {c: s for c, s in zip(axes, transform["scale"])}
for c in axes:
if scale[c] > target_scale[c]:
if last_path is None:
return level["path"]
return last_path
last_path = level["path"]
return last_path # type: ignore
def rotate_coords(
self, coords: Mapping[str, Sequence[float]], angles: Mapping[str, float]
) -> Mapping[str, tuple[Sequence[str], np.ndarray]] | Mapping[str, Sequence[float]]:
"""Rotates the given coordinates by the given angles."""
# Check to see if a rotation is necessary
if not any([a != 0 for a in angles.values()]):
return coords
# Convert the coordinates dictionary to a vector
coords_vector, axes_lengths = self._coord_dict_to_vector(coords)
# Recenter the coordinates around the origin
center = coords_vector.mean(axis=0)
coords_vector -= center
rotation_vector = [angles[c] if c in angles else 0 for c in self.axes]
rotator = rot.from_rotvec(rotation_vector, degrees=True)
# Apply the rotation
rotated_coords = rotator.apply(coords_vector)
# Recenter the coordinates around the original center
rotated_coords += center
return self._coord_vector_to_grid_dict(rotated_coords, axes_lengths)
def _coord_dict_to_vector(
self, coords_dict: Mapping[str, Sequence[float]]
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, Mapping[str, int]]:
"""Converts a dictionary of coordinates to a vector, for use with rotate_coords."""
coord_vector = np.stack(
np.meshgrid(*[coords_dict[c] for c in self.axes]), axis=-1
).reshape(-1, len(self.axes))
axes_lengths = {c: len(coords_dict[c]) for c in self.axes}
return coord_vector, axes_lengths
def _coord_vector_to_grid_dict(
self, coords_vector: np.ndarray, axes_lengths: Mapping[str, int]
) -> Mapping[str, tuple[Sequence[str], np.ndarray]]:
"""Converts a vector of coordinates to a grid type dictionary."""
shape = [axes_lengths[c] for c in self.axes]
axes = [c for c in self.axes]
coords_dict = {
c: (axes, coords_vector[:, self.axes.index(c)].reshape(shape))
for c in self.axes
return coords_dict
def return_data(
coords: (
Mapping[str, Sequence[float]]
| Mapping[str, tuple[Sequence[str], np.ndarray]]
) -> xarray.DataArray:
"""Pulls data from the image based on the given coordinates, applying interpolation if necessary, and returns the data as an xarray DataArray."""
if not isinstance(list(coords.values())[0][0], float | int):
data = self.array.interp(
method=self.interpolation, # type: ignore
elif self.pad:
data = self.array.reindex(
* np.max(list(self.scale.values())) ** 2,
data = self.array.sel(
return data
class EmptyImage:
A class for handling empty image data.
This class is used to create an empty image object, which can be used as a placeholder for images that do not exist in the dataset. It can be used to maintain a consistent API for image objects even when no data is present.
label_class (str): The intended label class of the image.
target_scale (Sequence[float]): The intended scale of the image in physical space.
target_voxel_shape (Sequence[int]): The intended shape of the image in voxels.
store (Optional[torch.Tensor]): The tensor to return.
axis_order (str): The intended order of the axes in the image.
empty_value (float | int): The value to fill the image with.
__getitem__(center: Mapping[str, float]) -> torch.Tensor: Returns the empty image data.
to(device: str): Moves the image data to the given device.
set_spatial_transforms(transforms: Mapping[str, Any] | None):
Imitates the method in CellMapImage, but does nothing for an EmptyImage object.
bounding_box (None): Returns None.
sampling_box (None): Returns None.
bg_count (float): Returns zero.
class_counts (float): Returns zero.
def __init__(
target_class: str,
target_scale: Sequence[float],
target_voxel_shape: Sequence[int],
store: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
axis_order: str = "zyx",
empty_value: float | int = -100,
"""Initializes an empty image object.
target_class (str): The intended label class of the image.
target_scale (Sequence[float]): The intended scale of the image in physical space.
target_voxel_shape (Sequence[int]): The intended shape of the image in voxels.
store (Optional[torch.Tensor], optional): The tensor to return. Defaults to None.
axis_order (str, optional): The intended order of the axes in the image. Defaults to "zyx".
empty_value (float | int, optional): The value to fill the image with. Defaults to -100.
self.label_class = target_class
self.target_scale = target_scale
if len(target_voxel_shape) < len(axis_order):
axis_order = axis_order[-len(target_voxel_shape) :]
self.output_shape = {c: target_voxel_shape[i] for i, c in enumerate(axis_order)}
self.output_size = {
c: t * s for c, t, s in zip(axis_order, target_voxel_shape, target_scale)
self.axes = axis_order
self._bounding_box = None
self._class_counts = 0.0
self._bg_count = 0.0
self.scale = {c: sc for c, sc in zip(self.axes, self.target_scale)}
self.empty_value = empty_value
if store is not None: = store
else: = (
torch.ones([1] + [self.output_shape[c] for c in self.axes])
* self.empty_value
def __getitem__(self, center: Mapping[str, float]) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Returns the empty image data."""
def bounding_box(self) -> None:
"""Returns the bounding box of the dataset. Returns None for an EmptyImage object."""
return self._bounding_box
def sampling_box(self) -> None:
"""Returns the sampling box of the dataset (i.e. where centers can be drawn from and still have full samples drawn from within the bounding box). Returns None for an EmptyImage object."""
return self._bounding_box
def bg_count(self) -> float:
"""Returns the number of background pixels in the ground truth data, normalized by the resolution. Returns zero for an EmptyImage object."""
return self._bg_count
def class_counts(self) -> float:
"""Returns the number of pixels for the contained class in the ground truth data, normalized by the resolution. Returns zero for an EmptyImage object."""
return self._class_counts
def to(self, device: str) -> None:
"""Moves the image data to the given device.""" =
class ImageWriter:
This class is used to write image data to a single-resolution zarr.
path (str): The path to the image file.
label_class (str): The label class of the image.
scale (Mapping[str, float]): The scale of the image in physical space.
write_voxel_shape (Mapping[str, int]): The shape of data written to the image in voxels.
axes (str): The order of the axes in the image.
context (Optional[tensorstore.Context]): The context for the TensorStore.
__setitem__(center: Mapping[str, float], data: torch.Tensor): Writes the given data to the image at the given center.
__repr__() -> str: Returns a string representation of the ImageWriter object.
shape (Mapping[str, int]): Returns the shape of the image in voxels.
center (Mapping[str, float]): Returns the center of the image in world units.
full_coords: Returns the full coordinates of the image in world units.
array_path (str): Returns the path to the single-scale image array.
translation (Mapping[str, float]): Returns the translation of the image in world units.
bounding_box (Mapping[str, list[float]]): Returns the bounding box of the dataset in world units.
sampling_box (Mapping[str, list[float]]): Returns the sampling box of the dataset in world units.
def __init__(
path: str | UPath,
label_class: str,
scale: Mapping[str, float] | Sequence[float],
bounding_box: Mapping[str, list[float]],
write_voxel_shape: Mapping[str, int] | Sequence[int],
scale_level: int = 0,
axis_order: str = "zyx",
context: Optional[tensorstore.Context] = None,
overwrite: bool = False,
dtype: np.dtype = np.float32,
fill_value: float | int = 0,
) -> None:
"""Initializes an ImageWriter object.
path (str): The path to the base folder of the multiscale image file.
label_class (str): The label class of the image.
scale_level (int): The multiscale level of the image. Defaults to 0.
scale (Mapping[str, float]): The scale of the image in physical space.
bounding_box (Mapping[str, list[float]]): The total region of interest for the image in world units. Example: {"x": [12.0, 102.0], "y": [12.0, 102.0], "z": [12.0, 102.0]}.
write_voxel_shape (Mapping[str, int]): The shape of data written to the image in voxels.
axis_order (str, optional): The order of the axes in the image. Defaults to "zyx".
context (Optional[tensorstore.Context], optional): The context for the TensorStore. Defaults to None.
overwrite (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite the image if it already exists. Defaults to False.
dtype (np.dtype, optional): The data type of the image. Defaults to np.float32.
fill_value (float | int, optional): The value to fill the empty image with before values are written. Defaults to 0.
self.base_path = path
self.path = UPath(path) / f"s{scale_level}"
self.label_class = label_class
if isinstance(scale, Sequence):
if len(axis_order) > len(scale):
scale = [scale[0]] * (len(axis_order) - len(scale)) + list(scale)
scale = {c: s for c, s in zip(axis_order, scale)}
if isinstance(write_voxel_shape, Sequence):
if len(axis_order) > len(write_voxel_shape):
write_voxel_shape = [1] * (
len(axis_order) - len(write_voxel_shape)
) + list(write_voxel_shape)
write_voxel_shape = {c: t for c, t in zip(axis_order, write_voxel_shape)}
self.scale = scale
self.bounding_box = bounding_box
self.write_voxel_shape = write_voxel_shape
self.write_world_shape = {
c: write_voxel_shape[c] * scale[c] for c in axis_order
self.axes = axis_order[: len(write_voxel_shape)]
self.scale_level = scale_level
self.context = context
self.overwrite = overwrite
self.dtype = dtype
self.fill_value = fill_value
# Create the new zarr's metadata
dims = [c for c in axis_order]
self.metadata = {
"offset": list(self.offset.values()),
"axes": dims,
"voxel_size": list(self.scale.values()),
"shape": list(self.shape.values()),
"units": "nanometer",
"chunk_shape": list(write_voxel_shape.values()),
def array(self) -> xarray.DataArray:
"""Returns the image data as an xarray DataArray."""
return self._array
except AttributeError:
# Write multi-scale metadata
os.makedirs(UPath(self.base_path), exist_ok=True)
# Add .zgroup files
group_path = str(self.base_path).split(".zarr")[0] + ".zarr"
# print(group_path)
for group in [""] + list(
group_path = UPath(group_path) / group
# print(group_path)
with open(group_path / ".zgroup", "w") as f:
f.write('{"zarr_format": 2}')
out_path=str(UPath(self.base_path) / ".zattrs"),
# Construct an xarray with Tensorstore backend
# spec = xt._zarr_spec_from_path(self.path)
spec = {
"driver": "zarr",
"kvstore": {"driver": "file", "path": str(self.path)},
# "transform": {
# "input_labels": self.metadata["axes"],
# # "scale": self.metadata["voxel_size"],
# "input_inclusive_min": self.metadata["offset"],
# "input_shape": self.metadata["shape"],
# # "units": self.metadata["units"],
# },
open_kwargs = {
"read": True,
"write": True,
"create": True,
"delete_existing": self.overwrite,
"dtype": self.dtype,
"shape": list(self.shape.values()),
"fill_value": self.fill_value,
"chunk_layout": tensorstore.ChunkLayout(
# "metadata": self.metadata,
# "transaction": tensorstore.Transaction(atomic=True),
"context": self.context,
array_future =
array = array_future.result()
except ValueError as e:
if "ALREADY_EXISTS" in str(e):
raise FileExistsError(
f"Image already exists at {self.path}. Set overwrite=True to overwrite the image."
UserWarning("Falling back to zarr3 driver")
spec["driver"] = "zarr3"
array_future =, **open_kwargs)
array = array_future.result()
data = xt._TensorStoreAdapter(array)
self._array = xarray.DataArray(data=data, coords=self.full_coords)
# Add .zattrs file
with open(UPath(self.path) / ".zattrs", "w") as f:
# Set the metadata for the Zarr array
# ds = zarr.open_array(self.path)
# for key, value in self.metadata.items():
# ds.attrs[key] = value
# ds.attrs["_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS"] = self.metadata["axes"]
# ds.attrs["dimension_units"] = [
# f"{s} {u}"
# for s, u in zip(self.metadata["voxel_size"], self.metadata["units"])
# ]
return self._array
def chunk_shape(self) -> Sequence[int]:
"""Returns the shape of the chunks for the image."""
return self._chunk_shape
except AttributeError:
self._chunk_shape = list(self.write_voxel_shape.values())
return self._chunk_shape
def world_shape(self) -> Mapping[str, float]:
"""Returns the shape of the image in world units."""
return self._world_shape
except AttributeError:
self._world_shape = {
c: self.bounding_box[c][1] - self.bounding_box[c][0] for c in self.axes
return self._world_shape
def shape(self) -> Mapping[str, int]:
"""Returns the shape of the image in voxels."""
return self._shape
except AttributeError:
self._shape = {
c: int(np.ceil(self.world_shape[c] / self.scale[c])) for c in self.axes
return self._shape
def center(self) -> Mapping[str, float]:
"""Returns the center of the image in world units."""
return self._center
except AttributeError:
center = {}
for c, (start, stop) in self.bounding_box.items():
center[c] = start + (stop - start) / 2
self._center = center
return self._center
def offset(self) -> Mapping[str, float]:
"""Returns the offset of the image in world units."""
return self._offset
except AttributeError:
self._offset = {c: self.bounding_box[c][0] for c in self.axes}
return self._offset
def full_coords(self) -> tuple[xarray.DataArray, ...]:
"""Returns the full coordinates of the image in world units."""
return self._full_coords
except AttributeError:
self._full_coords = coords_from_transforms(
type="space" if c != "c" else "channel",
unit="nm" if c != "c" else "",
for c in self.axes
return self._full_coords
def align_coords(
self, coords: Mapping[str, tuple[Sequence, np.ndarray]]
) -> Mapping[str, tuple[Sequence, np.ndarray]]:
# TODO: Deprecate this function?
"""Aligns the given coordinates to the image's coordinates."""
aligned_coords = {}
for c in self.axes:
# Find the nearest coordinate in the image's actual coordinate grid
aligned_coords[c] = np.array(
np.abs(np.array(self.array.coords[c])[:, None] - coords[c]).argmin(
return aligned_coords
def aligned_coords_from_center(self, center: Mapping[str, float]):
"""Returns the aligned coordinates for the given center with linear sequential coordinates aligned to the image's reference frame."""
coords = {}
for c in self.axes:
# Get index of closest start voxel to the edge of the write space, based on the center
start_requested = center[c] - self.write_world_shape[c] / 2
start_aligned_idx = int(
np.abs(self.array.coords[c] - start_requested).argmin()
# Get the aligned range of coordinates
coords[c] = self.array.coords[c][
start_aligned_idx : start_aligned_idx + self.write_voxel_shape[c]
return coords
def __setitem__(
coords: Mapping[str, float] | Mapping[str, tuple[Sequence, np.ndarray]],
data: torch.Tensor | np.typing.ArrayLike | float | int, # type: ignore
) -> None:
"""Writes the given data to the image at the given center (in world units). Supports writing torch.Tensor, numpy.ndarray, and scalar data types, including for batches."""
# Find vectors of coordinates in world space to write data to if necessary
if isinstance(list(coords.values())[0], int | float):
center = coords
coords = self.aligned_coords_from_center(center) # type: ignore
if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor):
data = data.cpu()
data = np.array(data).squeeze().astype(self.dtype)
self.array.loc[coords] = data
except ValueError as e:
# print(e)
# print(data.shape)
# print(
# f"Writing to center {center} in image {self.path} failed. Coordinates: are not all within the image's bounds. Will drop out of bounds data."
# )
# Crop data to match the number of coordinates matched in the image
slices = []
for coord in coords.values():
if len(coord) > 1:
slices.append(slice(None, len(coord)))
data = data[*slices]
self.array.loc[coords] = data
# Write batches
for i in range(len(coords[self.axes[0]])):
if isinstance(data, (int, float)):
this_data = data
this_data = data[i]
self[{c: coords[c][i] for c in self.axes}] = this_data
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Returns a string representation of the ImageWriter object."""
return f"ImageWriter({self.path}: {self.label_class} @ {list(self.scale.values())} {self.metadata['units']})"