Source code for cellmap_data.subdataset

from typing import Callable, Sequence
from import Subset
from .dataset import CellMapDataset
from .multidataset import CellMapMultiDataset

[docs] class CellMapSubset(Subset): """ This subclasses PyTorch Subset to wrap a CellMapDataset or CellMapMultiDataset object under a common API, which can be used for dataloading. It maintains the same API as the Subset class. It retrieves raw and groundtruth data from a CellMapDataset or CellMapMultiDataset object. """
[docs] def __init__( self, dataset: CellMapDataset | CellMapMultiDataset, indices: Sequence[int] ) -> None: """ Args: dataset: CellMapDataset | CellMapMultiDataset The dataset to be subsetted. indices: Sequence[int] The indices of the dataset to be used as the subset. """ super().__init__(dataset, indices)
@property def classes(self) -> Sequence[str]: """The classes in the dataset.""" return self.dataset.classes @property def class_counts(self) -> dict[str, float]: """The number of samples in each class in the dataset normalized by resolution.""" return self.dataset.class_counts @property def class_weights(self) -> dict[str, float]: """The class weights for the dataset based on the number of samples in each class.""" return self.dataset.class_weights @property def validation_indices(self) -> Sequence[int]: """The indices of the validation set.""" return self.dataset.validation_indices
[docs] def to(self, device) -> "CellMapSubset": """Move the dataset to the specified device.""" return self
[docs] def set_raw_value_transforms(self, transforms: Callable) -> None: """Sets the raw value transforms for the subset dataset.""" self.dataset.set_raw_value_transforms(transforms)
[docs] def set_target_value_transforms(self, transforms: Callable) -> None: """Sets the target value transforms for the subset dataset.""" self.dataset.set_target_value_transforms(transforms)