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NodeSpec #

Bases: StrictBase

The base class for V2 ArraySpec and GroupSpec.


Name Type Description
zarr_format Literal[2]

The Zarr version represented by this node. Must be 2.

ArraySpec #

Bases: NodeSpec, Generic[TAttr]

A model of a Zarr Version 2 Array. The specification for the data structure being modeled by this class can be found in the Zarr specification.


Name Type Description
attributes TAttr, default = {}

User-defined metadata associated with this array. Should be JSON-serializable.

shape tuple[int, ...]

The shape of this array.

dtype str

The data type of this array.

chunks Tuple[int, ...]

The chunk size for this array.

order "C" | "F", default = "C"

The memory order of this array. Must be either "C", which designates "C order", AKA lexicographic ordering or "F", which designates "F order", AKA colexicographic ordering. The default is "C".

fill_value FillValue, default = 0

The fill value for this array. The default is 0.

compressor CodecDict | None

A JSON-serializable representation of a compression codec, or None. The default is None.

filters List[CodecDict] | None, default = None

A list of JSON-serializable representations of compression codec, or None. The default is None.

dimension_separator "." | "/", default = "/"

The character used for partitioning the different dimensions of a chunk key. Must be either "/" or ".", or absent, in which case it is interpreted as ".". The default is "/".

check_ndim #


Check that the shape and chunks and attributes have the same length.

Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def check_ndim(self):
    Check that the `shape` and `chunks` and attributes have the same length.
    if (lshape := len(self.shape)) != (lchunks := len(self.chunks)):
        msg = (
            f"Length of shape must match length of chunks. Got {lshape} elements "
            f"for shape and {lchunks} elements for chunks."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    return self

from_array classmethod #


Create an ArraySpec from an array-like object. This is a convenience method for when Zarr array will be modelled from an existing array. This method takes nearly the same arguments as the ArraySpec constructor, minus shape and dtype, which will be inferred from the array argument. Additionally, this method accepts the string "auto" as a parameter for all other ArraySpec attributes, in which case these attributes will be inferred from the array argument, with a fallback value equal to the default ArraySpec parameters.


Name Type Description Default
array an array-like object.

Must have shape and dtype attributes. The shape and dtype of this object will be used to construct an ArraySpec.

attributes Literal['auto'] | TAttr

User-defined metadata associated with this array. Should be JSON-serializable. The default is "auto", which means that array.attributes will be used, with a fallback value of the empty dict {}.

chunks Literal['auto'] | tuple[int, ...]

The chunks for this ArraySpec. If chunks is "auto" (the default), then this method first checks if array has a chunksize attribute, using it if present. This supports copying chunk sizes from dask arrays. If array does not have chunksize, then a routine from zarr-python is used to guess the chunk size, given the shape and dtype of array. If chunks is not auto, then it should be a tuple of ints.

order Literal['auto', 'C', 'F']

The memory order of the ArraySpec. One of "auto", "C", or "F". The default is "auto", which means that, if present, array.order will be used, falling back to "C" if array does not have an order attribute.

fill_value Literal['auto'] | int | float | None

The fill value for this array. Either "auto" or FillValue. The default is "auto", which means that array.fill_value will be used if that attribute exists, with a fallback value of 0.

compressor Literal['auto'] | CodecDict | None

The compressor for this ArraySpec. One of "auto", a JSON-serializable representation of a compression codec, or None. The default is "auto", which means that array.compressor attribute will be used, with a fallback value of None.

filters Literal['auto'] | list[CodecDict] | None

The filters for this ArraySpec. One of "auto", a list of JSON-serializable representations of compression codec, or None. The default is "auto", which means that the array.filters attribute will be used, with a fallback value of None.

dimension_separator Literal['auto', '/', '.']

Sets the character used for partitioning the different dimensions of a chunk key. Must be one of "auto", "/" or ".". The default is "auto", which means that array.dimension_separator is used, with a fallback value of "/".



Type Description

An instance of ArraySpec with shape and dtype attributes derived from array.


>>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import ArraySpec
>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = ArraySpec.from_array(np.arange(10))
>>> x
ArraySpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={}, shape=(10,), chunks=(10,), dtype='<i8', fill_value=0, order='C', filters=None, dimension_separator='/', compressor=None)
Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def from_array(
    array: npt.NDArray[Any],
    chunks: Literal["auto"] | tuple[int, ...] = "auto",
    attributes: Literal["auto"] | TAttr = "auto",
    fill_value: Literal["auto"] | int | float | None = "auto",
    order: Literal["auto", "C", "F"] = "auto",
    filters: Literal["auto"] | list[CodecDict] | None = "auto",
    dimension_separator: Literal["auto", "/", "."] = "auto",
    compressor: Literal["auto"] | CodecDict | None = "auto",
    Create an `ArraySpec` from an array-like object. This is a convenience method for when Zarr array will be modelled from an existing array.
    This method takes nearly the same arguments as the `ArraySpec` constructor, minus `shape` and `dtype`, which will be inferred from the `array` argument.
    Additionally, this method accepts the string "auto" as a parameter for all other `ArraySpec` attributes, in which case these attributes will be
    inferred from the `array` argument, with a fallback value equal to the default `ArraySpec` parameters.

    array : an array-like object.
        Must have `shape` and `dtype` attributes.
        The `shape` and `dtype` of this object will be used to construct an `ArraySpec`.
    attributes: "auto" | TAttr, default = "auto"
        User-defined metadata associated with this array. Should be JSON-serializable. The default is "auto", which means that `array.attributes` will be used,
        with a fallback value of the empty dict `{}`.
    chunks: "auto" | tuple[int, ...], default = "auto"
        The chunks for this `ArraySpec`. If `chunks` is "auto" (the default), then this method first checks if `array` has a `chunksize` attribute, using it if present.
        This supports copying chunk sizes from dask arrays. If `array` does not have `chunksize`, then a routine from `zarr-python` is used to guess the chunk size,
        given the `shape` and `dtype` of `array`. If `chunks` is not auto, then it should be a tuple of ints.
    order: "auto" | "C" | "F", default = "auto"
        The memory order of the `ArraySpec`. One of "auto", "C", or "F". The default is "auto", which means that, if present, `array.order`
        will be used, falling back to "C" if `array` does not have an `order` attribute.
    fill_value: "auto" | int | float | None, default = "auto"
        The fill value for this array. Either "auto" or FillValue. The default is "auto", which means that `array.fill_value` will be used if that attribute exists, with a fallback value of 0.
    compressor: "auto" | CodecDict | None, default = "auto"
        The compressor for this `ArraySpec`. One of "auto", a JSON-serializable representation of a compression codec, or `None`. The default is "auto", which means that `array.compressor` attribute will be used, with a fallback value of `None`.
    filters: "auto" | List[CodecDict] | None, default = "auto"
        The filters for this `ArraySpec`. One of "auto", a list of JSON-serializable representations of compression codec, or `None`. The default is "auto", which means that the `array.filters` attribute will be
        used, with a fallback value of `None`.
    dimension_separator: "auto" | "." | "/", default = "auto"
        Sets the character used for partitioning the different dimensions of a chunk key.
        Must be one of "auto", "/" or ".". The default is "auto", which means that `array.dimension_separator` is used, with a fallback value of "/".
        An instance of `ArraySpec` with `shape` and `dtype` attributes derived from `array`.

    >>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import ArraySpec
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> x = ArraySpec.from_array(np.arange(10))
    >>> x
    ArraySpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={}, shape=(10,), chunks=(10,), dtype='<i8', fill_value=0, order='C', filters=None, dimension_separator='/', compressor=None)

    shape_actual = array.shape
    dtype_actual = array.dtype

    if chunks == "auto":
        chunks_actual = auto_chunks(array)
        chunks_actual = chunks

    if attributes == "auto":
        attributes_actual = auto_attributes(array)
        attributes_actual = attributes

    if fill_value == "auto":
        fill_value_actual = auto_fill_value(array)
        fill_value_actual = fill_value

    if compressor == "auto":
        compressor_actual = auto_compresser(array)
        compressor_actual = compressor

    if filters == "auto":
        filters_actual = auto_filters(array)
        filters_actual = filters

    if order == "auto":
        order_actual = auto_order(array)
        order_actual = order

    if dimension_separator == "auto":
        dimension_separator_actual = auto_dimension_separator(array)
        dimension_separator_actual = dimension_separator

    return cls(

from_zarr classmethod #


Create an ArraySpec from an instance of zarr.Array.


Name Type Description Default
array Array


Type Description

An instance of ArraySpec with properties derived from array.


>>> import zarr
>>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import ArraySpec
>>> x = zarr.create((10,10))
>>> ArraySpec.from_zarr(x)
ArraySpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={}, shape=(10, 10), chunks=(10, 10), dtype='<f8', fill_value=0.0, order='C', filters=None, dimension_separator='.', compressor={'id': 'blosc', 'cname': 'lz4', 'clevel': 5, 'shuffle': 1, 'blocksize': 0})
Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def from_zarr(cls, array: zarr.Array):
    Create an `ArraySpec` from an instance of `zarr.Array`.

    array : zarr.Array

        An instance of `ArraySpec` with properties derived from `array`.

    >>> import zarr
    >>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import ArraySpec
    >>> x = zarr.create((10,10))
    >>> ArraySpec.from_zarr(x)
    ArraySpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={}, shape=(10, 10), chunks=(10, 10), dtype='<f8', fill_value=0.0, order='C', filters=None, dimension_separator='.', compressor={'id': 'blosc', 'cname': 'lz4', 'clevel': 5, 'shuffle': 1, 'blocksize': 0})

    return cls(
        # explicitly cast to numpy type and back to python
        # so that int 0 isn't serialized as 0.0

to_zarr #

to_zarr(store, path, *, overwrite=False, **kwargs)

Serialize an ArraySpec to a Zarr array at a specific path in a Zarr store. This operation will create metadata documents in the store, but will not write any chunks.


Name Type Description Default
store instance of zarr.BaseStore

The storage backend that will manifest the array.

path str

The location of the array inside the store.

overwrite bool

Whether to overwrite existing objects in storage to create the Zarr array.

**kwargs Any

Additional keyword arguments are passed to zarr.create.



Type Description

A Zarr array that is structurally identical to self.

Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def to_zarr(
    store: BaseStore,
    path: str,
    overwrite: bool = False,
) -> zarr.Array:
    Serialize an `ArraySpec` to a Zarr array at a specific path in a Zarr store. This operation
    will create metadata documents in the store, but will not write any chunks.

    store : instance of zarr.BaseStore
        The storage backend that will manifest the array.
    path : str
        The location of the array inside the store.
    overwrite: bool, default = False
        Whether to overwrite existing objects in storage to create the Zarr array.
    **kwargs : Any
        Additional keyword arguments are passed to `zarr.create`.
        A Zarr array that is structurally identical to `self`.
    spec_dict = self.model_dump()
    attrs = spec_dict.pop("attributes")
    if self.compressor is not None:
        spec_dict["compressor"] = numcodecs.get_codec(spec_dict["compressor"])
    if self.filters is not None:
        spec_dict["filters"] = [
            numcodecs.get_codec(f) for f in spec_dict["filters"]
    if contains_array(store, path):
        extant_array = zarr.open_array(store, path=path, mode="r")

        if not
            if not overwrite:
                msg = (
                    f"An array already exists at path {path}. "
                    "That array is structurally dissimilar to the array you are trying to "
                    "store. Call to_zarr with overwrite=True to overwrite that array."
                raise ContainsArrayError(msg)
            if not overwrite:
                # extant_array is read-only, so we make a new array handle that
                # takes **kwargs
                return zarr.open_array(
          , path=extant_array.path, **kwargs
    result = zarr.create(
        store=store, path=path, overwrite=overwrite, **spec_dict, **kwargs
    return result

like #

like(other, *, include=None, exclude=None)

Compare am ArraySpec to another ArraySpec or a zarr.Array, parameterized over the fields to exclude or include in the comparison. Models are first converted to dict via the model_dump method of pydantic.BaseModel, then compared with the == operator.


Name Type Description Default
other ArraySpec | Array

The array (model or actual) to compare with. If other is a zarr.Array, it will be converted to ArraySpec first.

include IncEx

A specification of fields to include in the comparison. The default value is None, which means that all fields will be included. See the documentation of pydantic.BaseModel.model_dump for more details.

exclude IncEx

A specification of fields to exclude from the comparison. The default value is None, which means that no fields will be excluded. See the documentation of pydantic.BaseModel.model_dump for more details.



Type Description

True if the two models have identical fields, False otherwise, given the set of fields specified by the include and exclude keyword arguments.


>>> import zarr
>>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import ArraySpec
>>> x = zarr.create((10,10))
>>> x.attrs.put({'foo': 10})
>>> x_model = ArraySpec.from_zarr(x)
>>> print( # it is like itself.
>>> print(
>>> y = zarr.create((10,10))
>>> y.attrs.put({'foo': 11}) # x and y are the same, other than their attrs
>>> print(
>>> print(, exclude={'attributes'}))
Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def like(
    other: ArraySpec | zarr.Array,
    include: IncEx = None,
    exclude: IncEx = None,
    Compare am `ArraySpec` to another `ArraySpec` or a `zarr.Array`, parameterized over the
    fields to exclude or include in the comparison. Models are first converted to `dict` via the
    `model_dump` method of `pydantic.BaseModel`, then compared with the `==` operator.

    other: ArraySpec | zarr.Array
        The array (model or actual) to compare with. If other is a `zarr.Array`, it will be
        converted to `ArraySpec` first.
    include: IncEx, default = None
        A specification of fields to include in the comparison. The default value is `None`,
        which means that all fields will be included. See the documentation of
        `pydantic.BaseModel.model_dump` for more details.
    exclude: IncEx, default = None
        A specification of fields to exclude from the comparison. The default value is `None`,
        which means that no fields will be excluded. See the documentation of
        `pydantic.BaseModel.model_dump` for more details.

        `True` if the two models have identical fields, `False` otherwise, given
        the set of fields specified by the `include` and `exclude` keyword arguments.

    >>> import zarr
    >>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import ArraySpec
    >>> x = zarr.create((10,10))
    >>> x.attrs.put({'foo': 10})
    >>> x_model = ArraySpec.from_zarr(x)
    >>> print( # it is like itself.
    >>> print(
    >>> y = zarr.create((10,10))
    >>> y.attrs.put({'foo': 11}) # x and y are the same, other than their attrs
    >>> print(
    >>> print(, exclude={'attributes'}))

    other_parsed: ArraySpec
    if isinstance(other, zarr.Array):
        other_parsed = ArraySpec.from_zarr(other)
        other_parsed = other

    result = model_like(self, other_parsed, include=include, exclude=exclude)
    return result

GroupSpec #

Bases: NodeSpec, Generic[TAttr, TItem]

A model of a Zarr Version 2 Group. The specification for the data structure being modeled by this class can be found in the Zarr specification.


Name Type Description
attributes TAttr, default = {}

The user-defined attributes of this group. Should be JSON-serializable.

members dict[str, TItem] | None, default = {}

The members of this group. members may be None, which models the condition where the members are unknown, e.g., because they have not been discovered yet. If members is not sNone, then it must be a dict with string keys and values that are either ArraySpec or GroupSpec.

from_zarr classmethod #

from_zarr(group, *, depth=-1)

Create a GroupSpec from an instance of zarr.Group. Subgroups and arrays contained in the Zarr group will be converted to instances of GroupSpec and ArraySpec, respectively, and these spec instances will be stored in the members attribute of the parent GroupSpec.

This is a recursive function, and the depth of recursion can be controlled by the depth keyword argument. The default value for depth is -1, which directs this function to traverse the entirety of a zarr.Group. This may be slow for large hierarchies, in which case setting depth to a positive integer can limit how deep into the hierarchy the recursion goes.


Name Type Description Default
group Group

The Zarr group to model.

depth int

An integer which may be no lower than -1. Determines how far into the tree to parse.



Type Description
An instance of GroupSpec that represents the structure of the Zarr hierarchy.
Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def from_zarr(
    cls, group: zarr.Group, *, depth: int = -1
) -> "GroupSpec[TAttr, TItem]":
    Create a GroupSpec from an instance of `zarr.Group`. Subgroups and arrays contained in the
    Zarr group will be converted to instances of `GroupSpec` and `ArraySpec`, respectively,
    and these spec instances will be stored in the `members` attribute of the parent

    This is a recursive function, and the depth of recursion can be controlled by the `depth`
    keyword argument. The default value for `depth` is -1, which directs this function to
    traverse the entirety of a `zarr.Group`. This may be slow for large hierarchies, in which
    case setting `depth` to a positive integer can limit how deep into the hierarchy the
    recursion goes.

    group : zarr.Group
        The Zarr group to model.
    depth: int
        An integer which may be no lower than -1. Determines how far into the tree to parse.

    An instance of GroupSpec that represents the structure of the Zarr hierarchy.

    result: GroupSpec[TAttr, TItem]
    attributes = group.attrs.asdict()
    members = {}

    if depth < -1:
        msg = (
            f"Invalid value for depth. Got {depth}, expected an integer "
            "greater than or equal to -1."
        raise ValueError(msg)
    if depth == 0:
        return cls(attributes=attributes, members=None)
    new_depth = max(depth - 1, -1)
    for name, item in group.items():
        if isinstance(item, zarr.Array):
            # convert to dict before the final typed GroupSpec construction
            item_out = ArraySpec.from_zarr(item).model_dump()
        elif isinstance(item, zarr.Group):
            # convert to dict before the final typed GroupSpec construction
            item_out = GroupSpec.from_zarr(item, depth=new_depth).model_dump()
            msg = (
                f"Unparseable object encountered: {type(item)}. Expected zarr.Array"
                " or zarr.Group."

            raise ValueError(msg)
        members[name] = item_out

    result = cls(attributes=attributes, members=members)
    return result

to_zarr #

to_zarr(store, path, *, overwrite=False, **kwargs)

Serialize this GroupSpec to a Zarr group at a specific path in a zarr.BaseStore. This operation will create metadata documents in the store.


Name Type Description Default
store BaseStore

The storage backend that will manifest the group and its contents.

path str

The location of the group inside the store.

overwrite bool

Whether to overwrite existing objects in storage to create the Zarr group.

**kwargs Any

Additional keyword arguments that will be passed to zarr.create for creating sub-arrays.



Type Description

A zarr group that is structurally identical to self.

Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def to_zarr(
    self, store: BaseStore, path: str, *, overwrite: bool = False, **kwargs
    Serialize this `GroupSpec` to a Zarr group at a specific path in a `zarr.BaseStore`.
    This operation will create metadata documents in the store.
    store : zarr.BaseStore
        The storage backend that will manifest the group and its contents.
    path : str
        The location of the group inside the store.
    overwrite: bool, default = False
        Whether to overwrite existing objects in storage to create the Zarr group.
    **kwargs : Any
        Additional keyword arguments that will be passed to `zarr.create` for creating
        A zarr group that is structurally identical to `self`.

    spec_dict = self.model_dump(exclude={"members": True})
    attrs = spec_dict.pop("attributes")
    if contains_group(store, path):
        extant_group =, path=path)
        if not
            if not overwrite:
                msg = (
                    f"A group already exists at path {path}. "
                    "That group is structurally dissimilar to the group you are trying to store."
                    "Call to_zarr with overwrite=True to overwrite that group."
                raise ContainsGroupError(msg)
            if not overwrite:
                # if the extant group is structurally identical to self, and overwrite is false,
                # then just return the extant group
                return extant_group

    elif contains_array(store, path) and not overwrite:
        msg = (
            f"An array already exists at path {path}. "
            "Call to_zarr with overwrite=True to overwrite the array."
        raise ContainsArrayError(msg)
        init_group(store=store, overwrite=overwrite, path=path)

    result =, path=path, overwrite=overwrite)
    # consider raising an exception if a partial GroupSpec is provided
    if self.members is not None:
        for name, member in self.members.items():
            subpath = os.path.join(path, name)
            member.to_zarr(store, subpath, overwrite=overwrite, **kwargs)

    return result

like #

like(other, include=None, exclude=None)

Compare a GroupSpec to another GroupSpec or a zarr.Group, parameterized over the fields to exclude or include in the comparison. Models are first converted to dict via the model_dump method of pydantic.BaseModel, then compared with the == operator.


Name Type Description Default
other GroupSpec | Group

The group (model or actual) to compare with. If other is a zarr.Group, it will be converted to a GroupSpec.

include IncEx

A specification of fields to include in the comparison. The default is None, which means that all fields will be included. See the documentation of pydantic.BaseModel.model_dump for more details.

exclude IncEx

A specification of fields to exclude from the comparison. The default is None, which means that no fields will be excluded. See the documentation of pydantic.BaseModel.model_dump for more details.



Type Description

True if the two models have identical fields, False otherwise.


>>> import zarr
>>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import GroupSpec
>>> import numpy as np
>>> z1 ='z1')
>>> z1a = z1.array(name='foo', data=np.arange(10))
>>> z1_model = GroupSpec.from_zarr(z1)
>>> print( # it is like itself
>>> print(
>>> z2 ='z2')
>>> z2a = z2.array(name='foo', data=np.arange(10))
>>> print(
>>> z2.attrs.put({'foo' : 100}) # now they have different attributes
>>> print(
>>> print(, exclude={'attributes'}))
Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def like(
    other: GroupSpec | zarr.Group,
    include: IncEx = None,
    exclude: IncEx = None,
    Compare a `GroupSpec` to another `GroupSpec` or a `zarr.Group`, parameterized over the
    fields to exclude or include in the comparison. Models are first converted to dict via the
    `model_dump` method of `pydantic.BaseModel`, then compared with the `==` operator.

    other: GroupSpec | zarr.Group
        The group (model or actual) to compare with. If other is a `zarr.Group`, it will be
        converted to a `GroupSpec`.
    include: IncEx, default = None
        A specification of fields to include in the comparison. The default is `None`,
        which means that all fields will be included. See the documentation of
        `pydantic.BaseModel.model_dump` for more details.
    exclude: IncEx, default = None
        A specification of fields to exclude from the comparison. The default is `None`,
        which means that no fields will be excluded. See the documentation of
        `pydantic.BaseModel.model_dump` for more details.

        `True` if the two models have identical fields, `False` otherwise.

    >>> import zarr
    >>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import GroupSpec
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> z1 ='z1')
    >>> z1a = z1.array(name='foo', data=np.arange(10))
    >>> z1_model = GroupSpec.from_zarr(z1)
    >>> print( # it is like itself
    >>> print(
    >>> z2 ='z2')
    >>> z2a = z2.array(name='foo', data=np.arange(10))
    >>> print(
    >>> z2.attrs.put({'foo' : 100}) # now they have different attributes
    >>> print(
    >>> print(, exclude={'attributes'}))

    other_parsed: GroupSpec
    if isinstance(other, zarr.Group):
        other_parsed = GroupSpec.from_zarr(other)
        other_parsed = other

    result = model_like(self, other_parsed, include=include, exclude=exclude)
    return result

to_flat #


Flatten this GroupSpec. This method returns a dict with string keys and values that are GroupSpec or ArraySpec.

Then the resulting dict will contain a copy of the input with a null members attribute under the key root_path, as well as copies of the result of calling node.to_flat on each element of node.members, each under a key created by joining root_path with a '/` character to the name of each member, and so on recursively for each sub-member.


Name Type Description Default
root_path str

The root path. The keys in self.members will be made relative to root_path when used as keys in the result dictionary.



Type Description
Dict[str, ArraySpec | GroupSpec]

A flattened representation of the hierarchy.


>>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import to_flat, GroupSpec
>>> g1 = GroupSpec(members=None, attributes={'foo': 'bar'})
>>> to_flat(g1)
{'': GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}, members=None)}
>>> to_flat(g1 root_path='baz')
{'baz': GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}, members=None)}
>>> to_flat(GroupSpec(members={'g1': g1}, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}))
{'/g1': GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}, members=None), '': GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}, members=None)}
Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def to_flat(self, root_path: str = ""):
    Flatten this `GroupSpec`.
    This method returns a `dict` with string keys and values that are `GroupSpec` or

    Then the resulting `dict` will contain a copy of the input with a null `members` attribute
    under the key `root_path`, as well as copies of the result of calling `node.to_flat` on each
    element of `node.members`, each under a key created by joining `root_path` with a '/`
    character to the name of each member, and so on recursively for each sub-member.

    root_path: `str`, default = ''.
        The root path. The keys in `self.members` will be
        made relative to `root_path` when used as keys in the result dictionary.

    Dict[str, ArraySpec | GroupSpec]
        A flattened representation of the hierarchy.


    >>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import to_flat, GroupSpec
    >>> g1 = GroupSpec(members=None, attributes={'foo': 'bar'})
    >>> to_flat(g1)
    {'': GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}, members=None)}
    >>> to_flat(g1 root_path='baz')
    {'baz': GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}, members=None)}
    >>> to_flat(GroupSpec(members={'g1': g1}, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}))
    {'/g1': GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}, members=None), '': GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}, members=None)}
    return to_flat(self, root_path=root_path)

from_flat classmethod #


Create a GroupSpec from a flat hierarchy representation. The flattened hierarchy is a dict with the following constraints: keys must be valid paths; values must be ArraySpec or GroupSpec instances.


Name Type Description Default
data Dict[str, ArraySpec | GroupSpec]

A flattened representation of a Zarr hierarchy.



Type Description

A GroupSpec representation of the hierarchy.


>>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import GroupSpec, ArraySpec
>>> import numpy as np
>>> flat = {'': GroupSpec(attributes={'foo': 10}, members=None)}
>>> GroupSpec.from_flat(flat)
GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 10}, members={})
>>> flat = {
    '': GroupSpec(attributes={'foo': 10}, members=None),
    '/a': ArraySpec.from_array(np.arange(10))}
>>> GroupSpec.from_flat(flat)
GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 10}, members={'a': ArraySpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={}, shape=(10,), chunks=(10,), dtype='<i8', fill_value=0, order='C', filters=None, dimension_separator='/', compressor=None)})
Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def from_flat(cls, data: Dict[str, ArraySpec | GroupSpec]):
    Create a `GroupSpec` from a flat hierarchy representation. The flattened hierarchy is a
    `dict` with the following constraints: keys must be valid paths; values must
    be `ArraySpec` or `GroupSpec` instances.

    data: Dict[str, ArraySpec | GroupSpec]
        A flattened representation of a Zarr hierarchy.

        A `GroupSpec` representation of the hierarchy.

    >>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import GroupSpec, ArraySpec
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> flat = {'': GroupSpec(attributes={'foo': 10}, members=None)}
    >>> GroupSpec.from_flat(flat)
    GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 10}, members={})
    >>> flat = {
        '': GroupSpec(attributes={'foo': 10}, members=None),
        '/a': ArraySpec.from_array(np.arange(10))}
    >>> GroupSpec.from_flat(flat)
    GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 10}, members={'a': ArraySpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={}, shape=(10,), chunks=(10,), dtype='<i8', fill_value=0, order='C', filters=None, dimension_separator='/', compressor=None)})
    from_flated = from_flat_group(data)
    return cls(**from_flated.model_dump())

stringify_dtype #


Convert a numpy.dtype object into a str.


Name Type Description Default
value DTypeLike

Some object that can be coerced to a numpy dtype



Type Description
A numpy dtype string representation of `value`.
Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def stringify_dtype(value: npt.DTypeLike) -> str:
    Convert a `numpy.dtype` object into a `str`.

    value: `npt.DTypeLike`
        Some object that can be coerced to a numpy dtype


    A numpy dtype string representation of `value`.
    return np.dtype(value).str

dictify_codec #


Ensure that a is converted to a dict. If the input is not an insance of, then it is assumed to be a dict with string keys and it is returned unaltered.


Name Type Description Default
value dict[str, Any] | Codec

The value to be dictified if it is not already a dict.



Type Description
dict[str, Any]

If the input was a Codec, then the result of calling get_config() on that object is returned. This should be a dict with string keys. All other values pass through unaltered.

Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def dictify_codec(value: dict[str, Any] | Codec) -> dict[str, Any]:
    Ensure that a `` is converted to a `dict`. If the input is not an
    insance of ``, then it is assumed to be a `dict` with string keys
    and it is returned unaltered.


    value : dict[str, Any] |
        The value to be dictified if it is not already a dict.

    dict[str, Any]
        If the input was a `Codec`, then the result of calling `get_config()` on that
        object is returned. This should be a dict with string keys. All other values pass
        through unaltered.
    if isinstance(value, Codec):
        return value.get_config()
    return value

parse_dimension_separator #


Parse the dimension_separator metadata as per the Zarr version 2 specification. If the input is None, this returns ".". If the input is either "." or "/", this returns it. Otherwise, raises a ValueError.


Name Type Description Default
data Any

The input data to parse.



Type Description
Literal['/', '.']
Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def parse_dimension_separator(data: Any) -> Literal["/", "."]:
    Parse the dimension_separator metadata as per the Zarr version 2 specification.
    If the input is `None`, this returns ".".
    If the input is either "." or "/", this returns it.
    Otherwise, raises a ValueError.

    data: Any
        The input data to parse.

    Literal["/", "."]
    if data is None:
        return "."
    if data in ("/", "."):
        return data
    raise ValueError(f'Invalid data, expected one of ("/", ".", None), got {data}')

from_zarr #

from_zarr(element, depth=-1)

Recursively parse a zarr.Group or zarr.Array into an ArraySpec or GroupSpec.


Name Type Description Default
element Array | Group

The zarr.Array or zarr.Group to model.

depth int

An integer which may be no lower than -1. If element is a zarr.Group, the depth parameter determines how deeply the hierarchy defined by element will be parsed. This argument has no effect if element is a zarr.Array.



Type Description
ArraySpec | GroupSpec

An instance of GroupSpec or ArraySpec that models the structure of the input Zarr group or array.

Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def from_zarr(
    element: zarr.Array | zarr.Group, depth: int = -1
) -> ArraySpec | GroupSpec:
    Recursively parse a `zarr.Group` or `zarr.Array` into an `ArraySpec` or `GroupSpec`.

    element : zarr.Array | zarr.Group
        The `zarr.Array` or `zarr.Group` to model.
    depth: int, default = -1
        An integer which may be no lower than -1. If `element` is a `zarr.Group`, the `depth`
        parameter determines how deeply the hierarchy defined by `element` will be parsed.
        This argument has no effect if `element` is a `zarr.Array`.

    ArraySpec | GroupSpec
        An instance of `GroupSpec` or `ArraySpec` that models the structure of the input Zarr group
        or array.

    if isinstance(element, zarr.Array):
        result = ArraySpec.from_zarr(element)
        return result

    result = GroupSpec.from_zarr(element, depth=depth)
    return result

to_zarr #

to_zarr(spec, store, path, *, overwrite=False, **kwargs)

Serialize a GroupSpec or ArraySpec to a Zarr group or array at a specific path in a Zarr store.


Name Type Description Default
spec ArraySpec | GroupSpec

The GroupSpec or ArraySpec that will be serialized to storage.

store BaseStore

The storage backend that will manifest the Zarr group or array modeled by spec.

path str

The location of the Zarr group or array inside the store.

overwrite bool

Whether to overwrite existing objects in storage to create the Zarr group or array.

= False

Additional keyword arguments will be



Type Description
Array | Group

A zarr.Group or zarr.Array that is structurally equivalent to spec. This operation will create metadata documents in the store.

Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def to_zarr(
    spec: ArraySpec | GroupSpec,
    store: BaseStore,
    path: str,
    overwrite: bool = False,
) -> zarr.Array | zarr.Group:
    Serialize a `GroupSpec` or `ArraySpec` to a Zarr group or array at a specific path in
    a Zarr store.

    spec : ArraySpec | GroupSpec
        The `GroupSpec` or `ArraySpec` that will be serialized to storage.
    store : zarr.BaseStore
        The storage backend that will manifest the Zarr group or array modeled by `spec`.
    path : str
        The location of the Zarr group or array inside the store.
    overwrite : bool, default = False
        Whether to overwrite existing objects in storage to create the Zarr group or array.
        Additional keyword arguments will be
    zarr.Array | zarr.Group
        A `zarr.Group` or `zarr.Array` that is structurally equivalent to `spec`.
        This operation will create metadata documents in the store.

    result = spec.to_zarr(store, path, overwrite=overwrite, **kwargs)
    return result

to_flat #

to_flat(node, root_path='')

Flatten a GroupSpec or ArraySpec. Converts a GroupSpec or ArraySpec and a string, into a dict with string keys and values that are GroupSpec or ArraySpec.

If the input is an ArraySpec, then this function just returns the dict {root_path: node}.

If the input is a GroupSpec, then the resulting dict will contain a copy of the input with a null members attribute under the key root_path, as well as copies of the result of calling flatten_node on each element of node.members, each under a key created by joining root_path with a '/` character to the name of each member, and so on recursively for each sub-member.


Name Type Description Default
node ArraySpec | GroupSpec

The node to flatten.

root_path str

The root path. If node is a GroupSpec, then the keys in node.members will be made relative to root_path when used as keys in the result dictionary.



Type Description
Dict[str, ArraySpec | GroupSpec]

A flattened representation of the hierarchy.


>>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import flatten, GroupSpec
>>> g1 = GroupSpec(members=None, attributes={'foo': 'bar'})
>>> to_flat(g1)
{'': GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}, members=None)}
>>> to_flat(g1 root_path='baz')
{'baz': GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}, members=None)}
>>> to_flat(GroupSpec(members={'g1': g1}, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}))
{'/g1': GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}, members=None), '': GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}, members=None)}
Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def to_flat(
    node: ArraySpec | GroupSpec, root_path: str = ""
) -> Dict[str, ArraySpec | GroupSpec]:
    Flatten a `GroupSpec` or `ArraySpec`.
    Converts a `GroupSpec` or `ArraySpec` and a string, into a `dict` with string keys and
    values that are `GroupSpec` or `ArraySpec`.

    If the input is an `ArraySpec`, then this function just returns the dict `{root_path: node}`.

    If the input is a `GroupSpec`, then the resulting `dict` will contain a copy of the input
    with a null `members` attribute under the key `root_path`, as well as copies of the result of
    calling `flatten_node` on each element of `node.members`, each under a key created by joining
    `root_path` with a '/` character to the name of each member, and so on recursively for each

    node: `GroupSpec` | `ArraySpec`
        The node to flatten.
    root_path: `str`, default = ''.
        The root path. If `node` is a `GroupSpec`, then the keys in `node.members` will be
        made relative to `root_path` when used as keys in the result dictionary.

    Dict[str, ArraySpec | GroupSpec]
        A flattened representation of the hierarchy.


    >>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import flatten, GroupSpec
    >>> g1 = GroupSpec(members=None, attributes={'foo': 'bar'})
    >>> to_flat(g1)
    {'': GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}, members=None)}
    >>> to_flat(g1 root_path='baz')
    {'baz': GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}, members=None)}
    >>> to_flat(GroupSpec(members={'g1': g1}, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}))
    {'/g1': GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}, members=None), '': GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={'foo': 'bar'}, members=None)}
    result = {}
    model_copy: ArraySpec | GroupSpec
    if isinstance(node, ArraySpec):
        model_copy = node.model_copy(deep=True)
        model_copy = node.model_copy(deep=True, update={"members": None})
        if node.members is not None:
            for name, value in node.members.items():
                result.update(to_flat(value, "/".join([root_path, name])))

    result[root_path] = model_copy
    # sort by increasing key length
    result_sorted_keys = dict(sorted(result.items(), key=lambda v: len(v[0])))
    return result_sorted_keys

from_flat #


Wraps from_flat_group, handling the special case where a Zarr array is defined at the root of a hierarchy and thus is not contained by a Zarr group.


Name Type Description Default
data Dict[str, ArraySpec | GroupSpec]

A flat representation of a Zarr hierarchy. This is a dict with keys that are strings, and values that are either GroupSpec or ArraySpec instances.



Type Description
ArraySpec | GroupSpec

The ArraySpec or GroupSpec representation of the input data.


>>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import from_flat, GroupSpec, ArraySpec
>>> import numpy as np
>>> tree = {'': ArraySpec.from_array(np.arange(10))}
>>> from_flat(tree) # special case of a Zarr array at the root of the hierarchy
ArraySpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={}, shape=(10,), chunks=(10,), dtype='<i8', fill_value=0, order='C', filters=None, dimension_separator='/', compressor=None)
>>> tree = {'/foo': ArraySpec.from_array(np.arange(10))}
>>> from_flat(tree) # note that an implicit Group is created
GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={}, members={'foo': ArraySpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={}, shape=(10,), chunks=(10,), dtype='<i8', fill_value=0, order='C', filters=None, dimension_separator='/', compressor=None)})
Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def from_flat(data: Dict[str, ArraySpec | GroupSpec]) -> ArraySpec | GroupSpec:
    Wraps `from_flat_group`, handling the special case where a Zarr array is defined at the root of
    a hierarchy and thus is not contained by a Zarr group.


    data: Dict[str, ArraySpec | GroupSpec]
        A flat representation of a Zarr hierarchy. This is a `dict` with keys that are strings,
        and values that are either `GroupSpec` or `ArraySpec` instances.

    ArraySpec | GroupSpec
        The `ArraySpec` or `GroupSpec` representation of the input data.

    >>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import from_flat, GroupSpec, ArraySpec
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> tree = {'': ArraySpec.from_array(np.arange(10))}
    >>> from_flat(tree) # special case of a Zarr array at the root of the hierarchy
    ArraySpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={}, shape=(10,), chunks=(10,), dtype='<i8', fill_value=0, order='C', filters=None, dimension_separator='/', compressor=None)
    >>> tree = {'/foo': ArraySpec.from_array(np.arange(10))}
    >>> from_flat(tree) # note that an implicit Group is created
    GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={}, members={'foo': ArraySpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={}, shape=(10,), chunks=(10,), dtype='<i8', fill_value=0, order='C', filters=None, dimension_separator='/', compressor=None)})

    # minimal check that the keys are valid
    invalid_keys = []
    for key in data.keys():
        if key.endswith("/"):
    if len(invalid_keys) > 0:
        msg = f'Invalid keys {invalid_keys} found in data. Keys may not end with the "/"" character'
        raise ValueError(msg)

    if tuple(data.keys()) == ("",) and isinstance(tuple(data.values())[0], ArraySpec):
        return tuple(data.values())[0]
        return from_flat_group(data)

from_flat_group #


Generate a GroupSpec from a flat representation of a hierarchy, i.e. a dict with string keys (paths) and ArraySpec / GroupSpec values (nodes).


Name Type Description Default
data Dict[str, ArraySpec | GroupSpec]

A flat representation of a Zarr hierarchy rooted at a Zarr group.



Type Description

A GroupSpec that represents the hierarchy described by data.


>>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import from_flat_group, GroupSpec, ArraySpec
>>> import numpy as np
>>> tree = {'/foo': ArraySpec.from_array(np.arange(10))}
>>> from_flat_group(tree) # note that an implicit Group is created
GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={}, members={'foo': ArraySpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={}, shape=(10,), chunks=(10,), dtype='<i8', fill_value=0, order='C', filters=None, dimension_separator='/', compressor=None)})
Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def from_flat_group(data: Dict[str, ArraySpec | GroupSpec]) -> GroupSpec:
    Generate a `GroupSpec` from a flat representation of a hierarchy, i.e. a `dict` with
    string keys (paths) and `ArraySpec` / `GroupSpec` values (nodes).

    data: Dict[str, ArraySpec | GroupSpec]
        A flat representation of a Zarr hierarchy rooted at a Zarr group.

        A `GroupSpec` that represents the hierarchy described by `data`.

    >>> from pydantic_zarr.v2 import from_flat_group, GroupSpec, ArraySpec
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> tree = {'/foo': ArraySpec.from_array(np.arange(10))}
    >>> from_flat_group(tree) # note that an implicit Group is created
    GroupSpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={}, members={'foo': ArraySpec(zarr_version=2, attributes={}, shape=(10,), chunks=(10,), dtype='<i8', fill_value=0, order='C', filters=None, dimension_separator='/', compressor=None)})
    root_name = ""
    sep = "/"
    # arrays that will be members of the returned GroupSpec
    member_arrays: Dict[str, ArraySpec] = {}
    # groups, and their members, that will be members of the returned GroupSpec.
    # this dict is populated by recursively applying `from_flat_group` function.
    member_groups: Dict[str, GroupSpec] = {}
    # this dict collects the arrayspecs and groupspecs that belong to one of the members of the
    # groupspecs we are constructing. They will later be aggregated in a recursive step that
    # populates member_groups
    submember_by_parent_name: Dict[str, Dict[str, ArraySpec | GroupSpec]] = {}
    # copy the input to ensure that mutations are contained inside this function
    data_copy = data.copy()
    # Get the root node
        # The root node is a GroupSpec with the key ""
        root_node = data_copy.pop(root_name)
        if isinstance(root_node, ArraySpec):
            raise ValueError("Got an ArraySpec as the root node. This is invalid.")
    except KeyError:
        # If a root node was not found, create a default one
        root_node = GroupSpec(attributes={}, members=None)

    # partition the tree (sans root node) into 2 categories: (arrays, groups + their members).
    for key, value in data_copy.items():
        key_parts = key.split(sep)
        if key_parts[0] != root_name:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Invalid path: {key} does not start with "{root_name}{sep}".'

        subparent_name = key_parts[1]
        if len(key_parts) == 2:
            # this is an array or group that belongs to the group we are ultimately returning
            if isinstance(value, ArraySpec):
                member_arrays[subparent_name] = value
                if subparent_name not in submember_by_parent_name:
                    submember_by_parent_name[subparent_name] = {}
                submember_by_parent_name[subparent_name][root_name] = value
            # these are groups or arrays that belong to one of the member groups
            # not great that we repeat this conditional dict initialization
            if subparent_name not in submember_by_parent_name:
                submember_by_parent_name[subparent_name] = {}
                sep.join([root_name, *key_parts[2:]])
            ] = value

    # recurse
    for subparent_name, submemb in submember_by_parent_name.items():
        member_groups[subparent_name] = from_flat_group(submemb)

    return GroupSpec(
        members={**member_groups, **member_arrays}, attributes=root_node.attributes

auto_chunks #


Guess chunks from: input with a chunksize attribute, or input with a chunks attribute, or, input with shape and dtype attributes

Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def auto_chunks(data: Any) -> tuple[int, ...]:
    Guess chunks from:
      input with a `chunksize` attribute, or
      input with a `chunks` attribute, or,
      input with `shape` and `dtype` attributes
    if hasattr(data, "chunksize"):
        return data.chunksize
    if hasattr(data, "chunks"):
        return data.chunks
    return guess_chunks(data.shape, np.dtype(data.dtype).itemsize)

auto_attributes #


Guess attributes from: input with an attrs attribute, or input with an attributes attribute, or anything (returning {})

Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def auto_attributes(data: Any) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
    Guess attributes from:
        input with an `attrs` attribute, or
        input with an `attributes` attribute,
        or anything (returning {})
    if hasattr(data, "attrs"):
        return data.attrs
    if hasattr(data, "attributes"):
        return data.attributes
    return {}

auto_fill_value #


Guess fill value from an input with a fill_value attribute, returning 0 otherwise.

Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def auto_fill_value(data: Any) -> Any:
    Guess fill value from an input with a `fill_value` attribute, returning 0 otherwise.
    if hasattr(data, "fill_value"):
        return data.fill_value
    return 0

auto_compresser #


Guess compressor from an input with a compressor attribute, returning None otherwise.

Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def auto_compresser(data: Any) -> Codec | None:
    Guess compressor from an input with a `compressor` attribute, returning `None` otherwise.
    if hasattr(data, "compressor"):
        return data.compressor
    return None

auto_filters #


Guess filters from an input with a filters attribute, returning None otherwise.

Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def auto_filters(data: Any) -> list[Codec] | None:
    Guess filters from an input with a `filters` attribute, returning `None` otherwise.
    if hasattr(data, "filters"):
        return data.filters
    return None

auto_order #


Guess array order from an input with an order attribute, returning "C" otherwise.

Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def auto_order(data: Any) -> Literal["C", "F"]:
    Guess array order from an input with an `order` attribute, returning "C" otherwise.
    if hasattr(data, "order"):
        return data.order
    return "C"

auto_dimension_separator #


Guess dimension separator from an input with a dimension_separator attribute, returning "/" otherwise.

Source code in src/pydantic_zarr/
def auto_dimension_separator(data: Any) -> Literal["/", "."]:
    Guess dimension separator from an input with a `dimension_separator` attribute, returning "/" otherwise.
    if hasattr(data, "dimension_separator"):
        return data.dimension_separator
    return "/"