Source code for cellmap_data.utils.figs

import io
from typing import Optional, Sequence
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch

[docs] def get_image_grid( input_data: torch.Tensor, target_data: torch.Tensor, outputs: torch.Tensor, classes: Sequence[str], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, fig_size: int = 3, clim: Optional[Sequence] = None, cmap: Optional[str] = None, ) -> plt.Figure: # type: ignore """ Create a grid of images for input, target, and output data. Args: input_data (torch.Tensor): Input data. target_data (torch.Tensor): Target data. outputs (torch.Tensor): Model outputs. classes (list): List of class labels. batch_size (int, optional): Number of images to display. Defaults to the length of the first axis of 'input_data'. fig_size (int, optional): Size of the figure. Defaults to 3. clim (tuple, optional): Color limits for the images. Defaults to be scaled by the image's intensity. cmap (str, optional): Colormap for the images. Defaults to None. Returns: fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure): Figure object. """ if batch_size is None: batch_size = input_data.shape[0] num_images = len(classes) * 2 + 2 fig, ax = plt.subplots( batch_size, num_images, figsize=(fig_size * num_images, fig_size * batch_size) ) if len(ax.shape) == 1: ax = ax[None, :] for b in range(batch_size): for c, label in enumerate(classes): output = outputs[b][c].squeeze().cpu().detach().numpy() target = target_data[b][c].squeeze().cpu().detach().numpy() if len(output.shape) == 3: output_mid = output.shape[0] // 2 output = output[output_mid] target = target[output_mid] ax[b, c * 2 + 2].imshow(target, clim=clim, cmap=cmap) ax[b, c * 2 + 2].axis("off") ax[b, c * 2 + 2].set_title(f"GT {label}") ax[b, c * 2 + 3].imshow(output, clim=clim, cmap=cmap) ax[b, c * 2 + 3].axis("off") ax[b, c * 2 + 3].set_title(f"Pred. {label}") input_img = input_data[b][0].squeeze().cpu().detach().numpy() if len(input_img.shape) == 3: input_mid = input_img.shape[0] // 2 input_img = input_img[input_mid] x_pad, y_pad = (input_img.shape[1] - output.shape[1]) // 2, ( input_img.shape[0] - output.shape[0] ) // 2 if x_pad <= 0: x_slice = slice(0, input_img.shape[1]) else: x_slice = slice(x_pad, -x_pad) if y_pad <= 0: y_slice = slice(0, input_img.shape[0]) else: y_slice = slice(y_pad, -y_pad) ax[b, 1].imshow(input_img[x_slice, y_slice], cmap="gray", clim=clim) ax[b, 1].axis("off") ax[b, 1].set_title("Raw") ax[b, 0].imshow(input_img, cmap="gray", clim=clim) ax[b, 0].axis("off") ax[b, 0].set_title("Full FOV") w, h = output.shape[1], output.shape[0] rect = plt.Rectangle( (x_pad, y_pad), w, h, edgecolor="r", facecolor="none" ) # type: ignore ax[b, 0].add_patch(rect) fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs] def fig_to_image(fig: plt.Figure) -> np.ndarray: # type: ignore with io.BytesIO() as buff: fig.savefig(buff, format="raw", dpi=fig.dpi) data = np.frombuffer(buff.getvalue(), dtype=np.uint8) w, h = fig.canvas.get_width_height() im = data.reshape((int(h), int(w), -1)) plt.close("all") return im
[docs] def get_image_grid_numpy( input_data: torch.Tensor, target_data: torch.Tensor, outputs: torch.Tensor, classes: Sequence[str], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, fig_size: int = 3, clim: Optional[Sequence] = None, cmap: Optional[str] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: # type: ignore """ Create a grid of images for input, target, and output data using matplotlib and convert it to a numpy array. Args: input_data (torch.Tensor): Input data. target_data (torch.Tensor): Target data. outputs (torch.Tensor): Model outputs. classes (list): List of class labels. batch_size (int, optional): Number of images to display. Defaults to the length of the first axis of 'input_data'. fig_size (int, optional): Size of the figure. Defaults to 3. clim (tuple, optional): Color limits for the images. Defaults to be scaled by the image's intensity. cmap (str, optional): Colormap for the images. Defaults to None. Returns: fig (numpy.ndarray): Image data. """ fig = get_image_grid( input_data=input_data, target_data=target_data, outputs=outputs, classes=classes, batch_size=batch_size, fig_size=fig_size, clim=clim, cmap=cmap, ) return fig_to_image(fig)
[docs] def get_fig_dict( input_data: torch.Tensor, target_data: torch.Tensor, outputs: torch.Tensor, classes: Sequence[str], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, fig_size: int = 3, clim: Optional[Sequence] = None, colorbar: bool = True, gt_clim: Optional[Sequence] = (0, 1), ) -> dict: """ Create a dictionary of figures for input, target, and output data. Args: input_data (torch.Tensor): Input data. target_data (torch.Tensor): Target data. outputs (torch.Tensor): Model outputs. classes (list): List of class labels. batch_size (int, optional): Number of images to display. Defaults to the length of the first axis of 'input_data'. fig_size (int, optional): Size of the figure. Defaults to 3. clim (tuple, optional): Color limits for the images. Defaults to be scaled by the image's intensity. colorbar (bool, optional): Whether to display a colorbar for the model outputs. Defaults to True. gt_clim (tuple, optional): Color limits for the ground truth images. Defaults to (0, 1). Returns: image_dict (dict): Dictionary of figure objects. """ if batch_size is None: batch_size = input_data.shape[0] image_dict = {} for c, label in enumerate(classes): if colorbar: grid_spec_kw = {"width_ratios": [1, 1, 1, 1, 0.2]} else: grid_spec_kw = {} fig, ax = plt.subplots( batch_size, 4 + colorbar, figsize=(fig_size * (4 + colorbar * 0.2), fig_size * batch_size), gridspec_kw=grid_spec_kw, ) if len(ax.shape) == 1: ax = ax[None, :] for b in range(batch_size): output = outputs[b][c].squeeze().cpu().detach().numpy() target = target_data[b][c].squeeze().cpu().detach().numpy() if len(output.shape) == 3: output_mid = output.shape[0] // 2 output = output[output_mid] target = target[output_mid] ax[b, 2].imshow(target, clim=gt_clim) ax[b, 2].axis("off") ax[b, 2].set_title(f"GT {label}") im = ax[b, 3].imshow(output, clim=clim) ax[b, 3].axis("off") ax[b, 3].set_title(f"Pred. {label}") if colorbar: orientation = "vertical" location = "right" cbar = fig.colorbar( im, orientation=orientation, location=location, cax=ax[b, 4] ) ax[b, 4].set_title("Intensity") input_img = input_data[b][0].squeeze().cpu().detach().numpy() if len(input_img.shape) == 3: input_mid = input_img.shape[0] // 2 input_img = input_img[input_mid] x_pad, y_pad = (input_img.shape[1] - output.shape[1]) // 2, ( input_img.shape[0] - output.shape[0] ) // 2 if x_pad <= 0: x_slice = slice(0, input_img.shape[1]) else: x_slice = slice(x_pad, -x_pad) if y_pad <= 0: y_slice = slice(0, input_img.shape[0]) else: y_slice = slice(y_pad, -y_pad) ax[b, 1].imshow(input_img[x_slice, y_slice], cmap="gray", clim=clim) ax[b, 1].axis("off") ax[b, 1].set_title("Raw") ax[b, 0].imshow(input_img, cmap="gray", clim=clim) ax[b, 0].axis("off") ax[b, 0].set_title("Full FOV") w, h = output.shape[1], output.shape[0] rect = plt.Rectangle( # type: ignore (x_pad, y_pad), w, h, edgecolor="r", facecolor="none" ) ax[b, 0].add_patch(rect) fig.tight_layout() image_dict[label] = fig return image_dict
[docs] def get_image_dict( input_data: torch.Tensor, target_data: torch.Tensor, outputs: torch.Tensor, classes: Sequence[str], batch_size: Optional[int] = None, fig_size: int = 3, clim: Optional[Sequence] = None, colorbar: bool = True, ) -> dict: """ Create a dictionary of images for input, target, and output data. Args: input_data (torch.Tensor): Input data. target_data (torch.Tensor): Target data. outputs (torch.Tensor): Model outputs. classes (list): List of class labels. batch_size (int, optional): Number of images to display. Defaults to the length of the first axis of 'input_data'. fig_size (int, optional): Size of the figure. Defaults to 3. clim (tuple, optional): Color limits for the images. Defaults to be scaled by the image's intensity. colorbar (bool, optional): Whether to display a colorbar for the model outputs. Defaults to True. Returns: image_dict (dict): Dictionary of image data. """ # TODO: Get list of figs for the batches, instead of one fig per class fig_dict = get_fig_dict( input_data=input_data, target_data=target_data, outputs=outputs, classes=classes, batch_size=batch_size, fig_size=fig_size, clim=clim, colorbar=colorbar, ) return {k: fig_to_image(v) for k, v in fig_dict.items()}