Source code for cellmap_segmentation_challenge.evaluate

# import tracemalloc
import argparse
import json
import os
from time import time, sleep
import zipfile

import numpy as np
import zarr
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
from scipy.spatial.distance import dice  # , jaccard
from skimage.measure import label as relabel
from skimage.transform import rescale

# from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from pykdtree.kdtree import KDTree as cKDTree

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, jaccard_score
from tqdm import tqdm
from upath import UPath

from cellmap_data import CellMapImage

import functools
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed

# from multiprocessing import Pool

from .utils import TEST_CROPS, TEST_CROPS_DICT, format_string

import logging

    # format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s",
    format="%(asctime)s - %(message)s",
    datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",


CAST_TO_NONE = [np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]

# submitted_# of instances / ground_truth_# of instances
DEBUG = os.getenv("DEBUG", "False") != "False"

[docs] class spoof_precomputed: def __init__(self, array, ids): self.array = array self.ids = ids self.index = -1
[docs] def __getitem__(self, ids): if isinstance(ids, int): return np.array(self.array == self.ids[ids], dtype=bool) return np.array([self.array == self.ids[i] for i in ids], dtype=bool)
[docs] def __len__(self): return len(self.ids)
[docs] def optimized_hausdorff_distances( truth_label, matched_pred_label, voxel_size, hausdorff_distance_max, method="standard", ): # Get unique truth IDs, excluding the background (0) truth_ids = np.unique(truth_label) truth_ids = truth_ids[truth_ids != 0] # Exclude background if len(truth_ids) == 0: return [] def get_distance(i): # Skip if both masks are empty truth_mask = truth_label == truth_ids[i] pred_mask = matched_pred_label == truth_ids[i] if not np.any(truth_mask) and not np.any(pred_mask): return 0 # Compute Hausdorff distance for the current pair h_dist = compute_hausdorff_distance( truth_mask, pred_mask, voxel_size, hausdorff_distance_max, method, ) return i, h_dist # Initialize list for distances hausdorff_distances = np.empty(len(truth_ids)) if DEBUG: # Use tqdm for progress tracking bar = tqdm( range(len(truth_ids)), desc="Computing Hausdorff distances", leave=True, dynamic_ncols=True, total=len(truth_ids), ) # Compute the cost matrix for i in bar: i, h_dist = get_distance(i) hausdorff_distances[i] = h_dist else: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=PER_INSTANCE_THREADS) as executor: # with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=PER_INSTANCE_THREADS) as executor: for i, h_dist in tqdm(, range(len(truth_ids))), desc="Computing Hausdorff distances", total=len(truth_ids), dynamic_ncols=True, ): hausdorff_distances[i] = h_dist return hausdorff_distances
[docs] def compute_hausdorff_distance(image0, image1, voxel_size, max_distance, method): """ Compute the Hausdorff distance between two binary masks, optimized for pre-vectorized inputs. """ # Extract nonzero points a_points = np.argwhere(image0) b_points = np.argwhere(image1) # Handle empty sets if len(a_points) == 0 and len(b_points) == 0: return 0 elif len(a_points) == 0 or len(b_points) == 0: return np.inf # Scale points by voxel size a_points = a_points * np.array(voxel_size) b_points = b_points * np.array(voxel_size) # Build KD-trees once a_tree = cKDTree(a_points) b_tree = cKDTree(b_points) # Query distances # fwd = a_tree.query(b_points, k=1, distance_upper_bound=max_distance)[0] # bwd = b_tree.query(a_points, k=1, distance_upper_bound=max_distance)[0] fwd = a_tree.query(b_points, k=1)[0] bwd = b_tree.query(a_points, k=1)[0] # Replace "inf" with `max_distance` for numerical stability # fwd[fwd == np.inf] = max_distance # bwd[bwd == np.inf] = max_distance fwd[fwd > max_distance] = max_distance bwd[bwd > max_distance] = max_distance if method == "standard": return max(fwd.max(), bwd.max()) elif method == "modified": return max(fwd.mean(), bwd.mean())
[docs] def score_instance( pred_label, truth_label, voxel_size, hausdorff_distance_max=HAUSDORFF_DISTANCE_MAX, ) -> dict[str, float]: """ Score a single instance label volume against the ground truth instance label volume. Args: pred_label (np.ndarray): The predicted instance label volume. truth_label (np.ndarray): The ground truth instance label volume. voxel_size (tuple): The size of a voxel in each dimension. hausdorff_distance_max (float): The maximum distance to consider for the Hausdorff distance. Returns: dict: A dictionary of scores for the instance label volume. Example usage: scores = score_instance(pred_label, truth_label) """"Scoring instance segmentation...") # Relabel the predicted instance labels to be consistent with the ground truth instance labels"Relabeling predicted instance labels...") pred_label = relabel(pred_label, connectivity=len(pred_label.shape)) # Get unique IDs, excluding background (assumed to be 0) truth_ids = np.unique(truth_label) truth_ids = truth_ids[truth_ids != 0] pred_ids = np.unique(pred_label) pred_ids = pred_ids[pred_ids != 0] # Skip if the submission has way too many instances if len(truth_ids) > 0 and len(pred_ids) / len(truth_ids) > INSTANCE_RATIO_CUTOFF: logging.warning( f"WARNING: Skipping {len(pred_ids)} instances in submission, {len(truth_ids)} in ground truth, because there are too many instances in the submission." ) return { "accuracy": 0, "hausdorff_distance": np.inf, "normalized_hausdorff_distance": 0, "combined_score": 0, } # Initialize the cost matrix f"Initializing cost matrix of {len(truth_ids)} x {len(pred_ids)} (true x pred)..." ) cost_matrix = np.zeros((len(truth_ids), len(pred_ids))) # Flatten the labels for vectorized computation truth_flat = truth_label.flatten() pred_flat = pred_label.flatten() # Precompute binary masks for all `truth_ids` if len(truth_flat) * len(truth_ids) > PRECOMPUTE_LIMIT: truth_binary_masks = spoof_precomputed(truth_flat, truth_ids) else:"Precomputing binary masks for all `truth_ids`...") truth_binary_masks = np.array( [(truth_flat == tid) for tid in truth_ids], dtype=bool ) def get_cost(j): # Find all `truth_ids` that overlap with this prediction mask pred_mask = pred_flat == pred_ids[j] relevant_truth_ids = np.unique(truth_flat[pred_mask]) relevant_truth_ids = relevant_truth_ids[relevant_truth_ids != 0] relevant_truth_indices = np.where(np.isin(truth_ids, relevant_truth_ids))[0] relevant_truth_masks = truth_binary_masks[relevant_truth_indices] if relevant_truth_indices.size == 0: return [], j, [] tp = relevant_truth_masks[:, pred_mask].sum(1) fn = (relevant_truth_masks[:, pred_mask == 0]).sum(1) fp = (relevant_truth_masks[:, pred_mask] == 0).sum(1) # Compute Jaccard scores jaccard_scores = tp / (tp + fp + fn) # Fill in the cost matrix for this `j` (prediction) return relevant_truth_indices, j, jaccard_scores matched_pred_label = np.zeros_like(pred_label) if len(pred_ids) > 0: # Compute the cost matrix if DEBUG: # Use tqdm for progress tracking bar = tqdm( range(pred_ids), desc="Computing cost matrix", leave=True, dynamic_ncols=True, total=len(pred_ids), ) # Compute the cost matrix for j in bar: relevant_truth_indices, j, jaccard_scores = get_cost(j) cost_matrix[relevant_truth_indices, j] = jaccard_scores else: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=PER_INSTANCE_THREADS) as executor: # with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=PER_INSTANCE_THREADS) as executor: for relevant_truth_indices, j, jaccard_scores in tqdm(, range(len(pred_ids))), desc="Computing cost matrix in parallel", dynamic_ncols=True, total=len(pred_ids), leave=True, ): cost_matrix[relevant_truth_indices, j] = jaccard_scores # Match the predicted instances to the ground truth instances"Calculating linear sum assignment...") row_inds, col_inds = linear_sum_assignment(cost_matrix, maximize=True) # Contruct the volume for the matched instances for i, j in tqdm( zip(col_inds, row_inds), desc="Relabeling matched instances", dynamic_ncols=True, ): if pred_ids[i] == 0 or truth_ids[j] == 0: # Don't score the background continue pred_mask = pred_label == pred_ids[i] matched_pred_label[pred_mask] = truth_ids[j] hausdorff_distances = optimized_hausdorff_distances( truth_label, matched_pred_label, voxel_size, hausdorff_distance_max ) else: # No predictions to match hausdorff_distances = [] # Compute the scores"Computing accuracy score...") accuracy = accuracy_score(truth_label.flatten(), matched_pred_label.flatten()) hausdorff_dist = np.mean(hausdorff_distances) if len(hausdorff_distances) > 0 else 0 normalized_hausdorff_dist = 1.01 ** ( -hausdorff_dist / np.linalg.norm(voxel_size) ) # normalize Hausdorff distance to [0, 1] using the maximum distance represented by a voxel. 32 is arbitrarily chosen to have a reasonable range combined_score = (accuracy * normalized_hausdorff_dist) ** 0.5"Accuracy: {accuracy:.4f}")"Hausdorff Distance: {hausdorff_dist:.4f}")"Normalized Hausdorff Distance: {normalized_hausdorff_dist:.4f}")"Combined Score: {combined_score:.4f}") return { "accuracy": accuracy, "hausdorff_distance": hausdorff_dist, "normalized_hausdorff_distance": normalized_hausdorff_dist, "combined_score": combined_score, }
[docs] def score_semantic(pred_label, truth_label) -> dict[str, float]: """ Score a single semantic label volume against the ground truth semantic label volume. Args: pred_label (np.ndarray): The predicted semantic label volume. truth_label (np.ndarray): The ground truth semantic label volume. Returns: dict: A dictionary of scores for the semantic label volume. Example usage: scores = score_semantic(pred_label, truth_label) """"Scoring semantic segmentation...") # Flatten the label volumes and convert to binary pred_label = (pred_label > 0.0).flatten() truth_label = (truth_label > 0.0).flatten() # Compute the scores if np.sum(truth_label + pred_label) == 0: # If there are no true positives, set the scores to 1 logging.debug("No true positives found. Setting scores to 1.") dice_score = 1 else: dice_score = 1 - dice(truth_label, pred_label) scores = { "iou": jaccard_score(truth_label, pred_label, zero_division=1), "dice_score": dice_score if not np.isnan(dice_score) else 1, }"IoU: {scores['iou']:.4f}")"Dice Score: {scores['dice_score']:.4f}") return scores
[docs] def score_label( pred_label_path, label_name, crop_name, truth_path=TRUTH_PATH, instance_classes=INSTANCE_CLASSES, ) -> dict[str, float]: """ Score a single label volume against the ground truth label volume. Args: pred_label_path (str): The path to the predicted label volume. truth_path (str): The path to the ground truth label volume. instance_classes (list): A list of instance classes. Returns: dict: A dictionary of scores for the label volume. Example usage: scores = score_label('pred.zarr/test_volume/label1') """ if pred_label_path is None: print(f"Label {label_name} not found in submission volume {crop_name}.") return empty_label_score( label=label_name, crop_name=crop_name, instance_classes=instance_classes, truth_path=truth_path, )"Scoring {pred_label_path}...") truth_path = UPath(truth_path) # Load the predicted and ground truth label volumes # label_name = UPath(pred_label_path).name # crop_name = UPath(pred_label_path) truth_label_path = (truth_path / crop_name / label_name).path truth_label_ds =, mode="r") truth_label = truth_label_ds[:] crop = TEST_CROPS_DICT[int(crop_name.removeprefix("crop")), label_name] pred_label = match_crop_space( pred_label_path, label_name, crop.voxel_size, crop.shape, crop.translation, ) mask_path = truth_path / crop_name / f"{label_name}_mask" if mask_path.exists(): # Mask out uncertain regions resulting from low-res ground truth annotations"Masking {label_name} with {mask_path}...") mask =, mode="r")[:] pred_label = pred_label * mask truth_label = truth_label * mask # Compute the scores if label_name in instance_classes: f"Starting an instance evaluation for {label_name} in {crop_name}..." ) timer = time() results = score_instance(pred_label, truth_label, crop.voxel_size) f"Finished instance evaluation for {label_name} in {crop_name} in {time() - timer:.2f} seconds..." ) else: results = score_semantic(pred_label, truth_label) results["num_voxels"] = int( results["voxel_size"] = crop.voxel_size results["is_missing"] = False return crop_name, label_name, results
[docs] def empty_label_score( label, crop_name, instance_classes=INSTANCE_CLASSES, truth_path=TRUTH_PATH ): if label in instance_classes: return { "accuracy": 0, "hausdorff_distance": 0, "normalized_hausdorff_distance": 0, "combined_score": 0, "num_voxels": int( / crop_name / label).path, mode="r").shape ) ), "voxel_size": (truth_path / crop_name / label).path, mode="r" ).attrs["voxel_size"], "is_missing": True, } else: return { "iou": 0, "dice_score": 0, "num_voxels": int( / crop_name / label).path, mode="r").shape ) ), "voxel_size": (truth_path / crop_name / label).path, mode="r" ).attrs["voxel_size"], "is_missing": True, }
[docs] def get_evaluation_args( volumes, submission_path, truth_path=TRUTH_PATH, instance_classes=INSTANCE_CLASSES, ) -> dict[str, dict[str, float]]: """ Get the arguments for scoring each label in the submission. Args: volumes (list): A list of volumes to score. submission_path (str): The path to the submission volume. truth_path (str): The path to the ground truth volume. instance_classes (list): A list of instance classes. Returns: A list of tuples containing the arguments for each label to be scored. """ if not isinstance(volumes, (tuple, list)): volumes = [volumes] score_label_arglist = [] for volume in volumes: submission_path = UPath(submission_path) pred_volume_path = submission_path / volume"Scoring {pred_volume_path}...") truth_path = UPath(truth_path) # Find labels to score pred_labels = [ a for a in, mode="r").array_keys() ] crop_name = truth_labels = [ a for a in / crop_name).path, mode="r").array_keys() ] found_labels = list(set(pred_labels) & set(truth_labels)) missing_labels = list(set(truth_labels) - set(pred_labels)) # Score_label arguments for each label score_label_arglist.extend( [ ( pred_volume_path / label if label in found_labels else None, label, crop_name, truth_path, instance_classes, ) for label in truth_labels ] )"Missing labels: {missing_labels}") return score_label_arglist
[docs] def missing_volume_score( truth_volume_path, instance_classes=INSTANCE_CLASSES ) -> dict[str, dict[str, float]]: """ Score a missing volume as 0's, congruent with the score_volume function. Args: truth_volume_path (str): The path to the ground truth volume. Returns: dict: A dictionary of scores for the volume. Example usage: scores = missing_volume_score('truth.zarr/test_volume') """"Scoring missing volume {truth_volume_path}...") truth_volume_path = UPath(truth_volume_path) # Find labels to score truth_labels = [a for a in, mode="r").array_keys()] # Score each label scores = { label: ( { "accuracy": 0.0, "hausdorff_distance": 0.0, "normalized_hausdorff_distance": 0.0, "combined_score": 0.0, "num_voxels": int( / label).path, mode="r").shape) ), "voxel_size": (truth_volume_path / label).path, mode="r" ).attrs["voxel_size"], "is_missing": True, } if label in instance_classes else { "iou": 0.0, "dice_score": 0.0, "num_voxels": int( / label).path, mode="r").shape) ), "voxel_size": (truth_volume_path / label).path, mode="r" ).attrs["voxel_size"], "is_missing": True, } ) for label in truth_labels } return scores
[docs] def combine_scores( scores, include_missing=True, instance_classes=INSTANCE_CLASSES, cast_to_none=CAST_TO_NONE, ): """ Combine scores across volumes, normalizing by the number of voxels. Args: scores (dict): A dictionary of scores for each volume, as returned by `score_volume`. include_missing (bool): Whether to include missing volumes in the combined scores. instance_classes (list): A list of instance classes. cast_to_none (list): A list of values to cast to None in the combined scores. Returns: dict: A dictionary of combined scores across all volumes. Example usage: combined_scores = combine_scores(scores) """ # Combine label scores across volumes, normalizing by the number of voxels"Combining label scores...") scores = scores.copy() label_scores = {} total_volumes = {} for ds, these_scores in scores.items(): for label, this_score in these_scores.items(): if this_score["is_missing"] and not include_missing: continue total_volume =["voxel_size"]) * this_score["num_voxels"] if label in instance_classes: if label not in label_scores: label_scores[label] = { "accuracy": 0, "hausdorff_distance": 0, "normalized_hausdorff_distance": 0, "combined_score": 0, } total_volumes[label] = 0 else: if label not in label_scores: label_scores[label] = {"iou": 0, "dice_score": 0} total_volumes[label] = 0 for key in label_scores[label].keys(): if this_score[key] is None: continue label_scores[label][key] += this_score[key] * total_volume if this_score[key] in cast_to_none: scores[ds][label][key] = None total_volumes[label] += total_volume # Normalize back to the total number of voxels for label in label_scores: if label in instance_classes: label_scores[label]["accuracy"] /= total_volumes[label] label_scores[label]["hausdorff_distance"] /= total_volumes[label] label_scores[label]["normalized_hausdorff_distance"] /= total_volumes[label] label_scores[label]["combined_score"] /= total_volumes[label] else: label_scores[label]["iou"] /= total_volumes[label] label_scores[label]["dice_score"] /= total_volumes[label] # Cast to None if the value is in `cast_to_none` for key in label_scores[label]: if label_scores[label][key] in cast_to_none: label_scores[label][key] = None scores["label_scores"] = label_scores # Compute the overall score"Computing overall scores...") overall_instance_scores = [] overall_semantic_scores = [] for label in label_scores: if label in instance_classes: overall_instance_scores += [label_scores[label]["combined_score"]] else: overall_semantic_scores += [label_scores[label]["iou"]] scores["overall_instance_score"] = np.mean(overall_instance_scores) scores["overall_semantic_score"] = np.mean(overall_semantic_scores) scores["overall_score"] = ( scores["overall_instance_score"] * scores["overall_semantic_score"] ) ** 0.5 # geometric mean return scores
[docs] def score_submission( submission_path=UPath(SUBMISSION_PATH).with_suffix(".zip").path, result_file=None, truth_path=TRUTH_PATH, instance_classes=INSTANCE_CLASSES, ): """ Score a submission against the ground truth data. Args: submission_path (str): The path to the zipped submission Zarr-2 file. result_file (str): The path to save the scores. Returns: dict: A dictionary of scores for the submission. Example usage: scores = score_submission('') The results json is a dictionary with the following structure: { "volume" (the name of the ground truth volume): { "label" (the name of the predicted class): { (For semantic segmentation) "iou": (the intersection over union score), "dice_score": (the dice score), OR (For instance segmentation) "accuracy": (the accuracy score), "haussdorf_distance": (the haussdorf distance), "normalized_haussdorf_distance": (the normalized haussdorf distance), "combined_score": (the geometric mean of the accuracy and normalized haussdorf distance), } "num_voxels": (the number of voxels in the ground truth volume), } "label_scores": { (the name of the predicted class): { (For semantic segmentation) "iou": (the mean intersection over union score), "dice_score": (the mean dice score), OR (For instance segmentation) "accuracy": (the mean accuracy score), "haussdorf_distance": (the mean haussdorf distance), "combined_score": (the mean geometric mean of the accuracy and haussdorf distance), } "overall_score": (the mean of the combined scores across all classes), } """"Scoring {submission_path}...") start_time = time() # Unzip the submission submission_path = unzip_file(submission_path) # Find volumes to score"Scoring volumes in {submission_path}...") pred_volumes = [ for d in UPath(submission_path).glob("*") if d.is_dir()] truth_path = UPath(truth_path)"Volumes: {pred_volumes}")"Truth path: {truth_path}") truth_volumes = [ for d in truth_path.glob("*") if d.is_dir()]"Truth volumes: {truth_volumes}") found_volumes = list(set(pred_volumes) & set(truth_volumes)) missing_volumes = list(set(truth_volumes) - set(pred_volumes)) if len(found_volumes) == 0: raise ValueError( "No volumes found to score. Make sure the submission is formatted correctly." )"Scoring volumes: {found_volumes}") if len(missing_volumes) > 0:"Missing volumes: {missing_volumes}")"Scoring missing volumes as 0's") # Get all prediction paths to evaluate evaluation_args = get_evaluation_args( found_volumes, submission_path=UPath(submission_path), truth_path=truth_path, instance_classes=instance_classes, ) # Score each volume if DEBUG:"Scoring volumes in serial for debugging...") results = [score_label(*args) for args in evaluation_args] else:"Scoring volumes in parallel...") instance_pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(MAX_INSTANCE_THREADS) semantic_pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(MAX_SEMANTIC_THREADS) futures = [] for args in evaluation_args: if args[1] in instance_classes: futures.append(instance_pool.submit(score_label, *args)) else: futures.append(semantic_pool.submit(score_label, *args)) results = [] for future in tqdm( as_completed(futures), desc="Scoring volumes", total=len(futures), dynamic_ncols=True, leave=True, ): results.append(future.result()) # Combine the results into a dictionary scores = {} for crop_name, label_name, result in results: if crop_name not in scores: scores[crop_name] = {} scores[crop_name][label_name] = result scores.update( { volume: missing_volume_score( truth_path / volume, instance_classes=instance_classes ) for volume in missing_volumes } ) # Combine label scores across volumes, normalizing by the number of voxels all_scores = combine_scores( scores, include_missing=True, instance_classes=instance_classes ) found_scores = combine_scores( scores, include_missing=False, instance_classes=instance_classes )"Scores combined across all test volumes:") f"\tOverall Instance Score: {all_scores['overall_instance_score']:.4f}" ) f"\tOverall Semantic Score: {all_scores['overall_semantic_score']:.4f}" )"\tOverall Score: {all_scores['overall_score']:.4f}")"Scores combined across test volumes with data submitted:") f"\tOverall Instance Score: {found_scores['overall_instance_score']:.4f}" ) f"\tOverall Semantic Score: {found_scores['overall_semantic_score']:.4f}" )"\tOverall Score: {found_scores['overall_score']:.4f}") # Save the scores if result_file:"Saving collected scores to {result_file}...") with open(result_file, "w") as f: json.dump(all_scores, f, indent=4) found_result_file = str(result_file).replace( UPath(result_file).suffix, "_submitted_only" + UPath(result_file).suffix )"Saving scores for only submitted data to {found_result_file}...") with open(found_result_file, "w") as f: json.dump(found_scores, f, indent=4) f"Scores saved to {result_file} and {found_result_file} in {time() - start_time:.2f} seconds" ) else: return all_scores
[docs] def resize_array(arr, target_shape, pad_value=0): """ Resize an array to a target shape by padding or cropping as needed. Parameters: arr (np.ndarray): Input array to resize. target_shape (tuple): Desired shape for the output array. pad_value (int, float, etc.): Value to use for padding if the array is smaller than the target shape. Returns: np.ndarray: Resized array with the specified target shape. """ arr_shape = arr.shape resized_arr = arr # Pad if the array is smaller than the target shape pad_width = [] for i in range(len(target_shape)): if arr_shape[i] < target_shape[i]: # Padding needed: calculate amount for both sides pad_before = (target_shape[i] - arr_shape[i]) // 2 pad_after = target_shape[i] - arr_shape[i] - pad_before pad_width.append((pad_before, pad_after)) else: # No padding needed for this dimension pad_width.append((0, 0)) if any(pad > 0 for pads in pad_width for pad in pads): resized_arr = np.pad( resized_arr, pad_width, mode="constant", constant_values=pad_value ) # Crop if the array is larger than the target shape slices = [] for i in range(len(target_shape)): if arr_shape[i] > target_shape[i]: # Calculate cropping slices to center the crop start = (arr_shape[i] - target_shape[i]) // 2 end = start + target_shape[i] slices.append(slice(start, end)) else: # No cropping needed for this dimension slices.append(slice(None)) return resized_arr[tuple(slices)]
[docs] def match_crop_space(path, class_label, voxel_size, shape, translation) -> np.ndarray: """ Match the resolution of a zarr array to a target resolution and shape, resampling as necessary with interpolation dependent on the class label. Instance segmentations will be resampled with nearest neighbor interpolation, while semantic segmentations will be resampled with linear interpolation and then thresholded. Args: path (str | UPath): The path to the zarr array to be adjusted. The zarr can be an OME-NGFF multiscale zarr file, or a traditional single scale formatted zarr. class_label (str): The class label of the array. voxel_size (tuple): The target voxel size. shape (tuple): The target shape. translation (tuple): The translation (i.e. offset) of the array in world units. Returns: np.ndarray: The rescaled array. """ ds =, mode="r") if "multiscales" in ds.attrs: # Handle multiscale zarr files _image = CellMapImage( path=path, target_class=class_label, target_scale=voxel_size, target_voxel_shape=shape, pad=True, pad_value=0, ) path = UPath(path) / _image.scale_level for attr in ds.attrs["multiscales"][0]["datasets"]: if attr["path"] == _image.scale_level: for transform in attr["coordinateTransformations"]: if transform["type"] == "translation": input_translation = transform["translation"] elif transform["type"] == "scale": input_voxel_size = transform["scale"] break ds =, mode="r") elif ( ("voxel_size" in ds.attrs) or ("resolution" in ds.attrs) or ("scale" in ds.attrs) ) or (("translation" in ds.attrs) or ("offset" in ds.attrs)): # Handle single scale zarr files if "voxel_size" in ds.attrs: input_voxel_size = ds.attrs["voxel_size"] elif "resolution" in ds.attrs: input_voxel_size = ds.attrs["resolution"] elif "scale" in ds.attrs: input_voxel_size = ds.attrs["scale"] else: input_voxel_size = None if "translation" in ds.attrs: input_translation = ds.attrs["translation"] elif "offset" in ds.attrs: input_translation = ds.attrs["offset"] else: input_translation = None else:"Could not find voxel size and translation for {path}") "Assuming voxel size matches target voxel size and will crop to target shape centering the volume." ) image = ds[:] # Crop the array if necessary if any(s1 != s2 for s1, s2 in zip(image.shape, shape)): return resize_array(image, shape) # type: ignore return image # type: ignore # Load the array image = ds[:] # Rescale the array if necessary if input_voxel_size is not None and any( r1 != r2 for r1, r2 in zip(input_voxel_size, voxel_size) ): if class_label in INSTANCE_CLASSES: image = rescale( image, np.divide(input_voxel_size, voxel_size), order=0, mode="constant" ) else: image = rescale( image, np.divide(input_voxel_size, voxel_size), order=1, mode="constant", preserve_range=True, ) image = image > 0.5 if input_translation is not None: # Calculate the relative offset adjusted_input_translation = ( np.array(input_translation) // np.array(voxel_size) ) * np.array(voxel_size) # Positive relative offset is the amount to crop from the start, negative is the amount to pad at the start relative_offset = ( abs(np.subtract(adjusted_input_translation, translation)) // np.array(voxel_size) * np.sign(np.subtract(adjusted_input_translation, translation)) ) else: # TODO: Handle the case where the translation is not provided relative_offset = np.zeros(len(shape)) # Translate and crop the array if necessary if any(offset != 0 for offset in relative_offset) or any( s1 != s2 for s1, s2 in zip(image.shape, shape) ): f"Translating and cropping {path} to {shape} with offset {relative_offset}" ) # Make destination array result = np.zeros(shape, dtype=image.dtype) # Calculate the slices for the source and destination arrays input_slices = [] output_slices = [] for i in range(len(shape)): if relative_offset[i] < 0: # Crop from the start input_start = abs(relative_offset[i]) output_start = 0 input_end = min(input_start + shape[i], image.shape[i]) input_length = input_end - input_start output_end = output_start + input_length else: # Pad at the start input_start = 0 output_start = relative_offset[i] output_end = min(shape[i], image.shape[i]) input_length = output_end - output_start input_end = input_length if input_length <= 0: "WARNING: Cropping to proper offset resulted in empty volume." )"\tInput shape: {image.shape}, Output shape: {shape}") f"\tInput offset: {input_start}, Output offset: {output_start}" ) return result input_slices.append(slice(int(input_start), int(input_end))) output_slices.append(slice(int(output_start), int(output_end))) # Copy the data result[*output_slices] = image[*input_slices] return result else: return image
[docs] def unzip_file(zip_path): """ Unzip a zip file to a specified directory. Args: zip_path (str): The path to the zip file. Example usage: unzip_file('') """ saved_path = UPath(zip_path).with_suffix(".zarr").path with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(saved_path)"Unzipped {zip_path} to {saved_path}") return UPath(saved_path)
if __name__ == "__main__": # When called on the commandline, evaluate the submission # example usage: python argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser() argparser.add_argument( "submission_file", help="Path to submission zip file to score" ) argparser.add_argument( "result_file", nargs="?", help="If provided, store submission results in this file. Else them to stdout", ) argparser.add_argument( "--truth-path", default=TRUTH_PATH, help="Path to zarr containing ground truth" ) args = argparser.parse_args() score_submission(args.submission_file, args.result_file, args.truth_path)