Source code for cellmap_segmentation_challenge.utils.crops

from dataclasses import dataclass
import fsspec
from yarl import URL
from typing_extensions import Self

[docs] @dataclass class CropRow: """A dataclass representing a row in the crop manifest file.""" id: int dataset: str alignment: str gt_url: URL em_url: URL
[docs] @classmethod def from_csv_row(cls, row: str) -> type[Self]: """Create a CropRow object from a CSV row.""" id, dataset, alignment, gt_url, em_url = row.split(",") return cls(int(id), dataset, alignment, URL(gt_url), URL(em_url))
[docs] def fetch_manifest(url: str | URL) -> tuple[CropRow, ...]: """ Fetch a manifest file from a URL and return a tuple of CropRow objects. Parameters ---------- url : str or yarl.URL The URL to the manifest file. Returns ------- tuple[CropRow, ...] A tuple of CropRow objects. """ fs, path = fsspec.url_to_fs(str(url)) head, *rows = fs.cat_file(path).decode().splitlines() return tuple(CropRow.from_csv_row(row) for row in rows)