Source code for cellmap_segmentation_challenge.utils.datasplit

# %%
import os
import shutil
import sys
from glob import glob

import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

from upath import UPath

REPO_ROOT = UPath(__file__).parent.parent.parent.parent
SEARCH_PATH = (REPO_ROOT / "data/{dataset}/{dataset}.zarr/recon-1/{name}").path
CROP_NAME = UPath("labels/groundtruth/{crop}/{label}").path
RAW_NAME = UPath("em/fibsem-uint8").path

[docs] def get_dataset_name( raw_path: str, search_path: str = SEARCH_PATH, raw_name: str = RAW_NAME ) -> str: """ Get the name of the dataset from the raw path. """ path_base = search_path.format(dataset="{dataset}", name=raw_name) assert "{dataset}" in path_base, ( f"search_path {search_path} must contain" + "{dataset}" ) for rp, sp in zip(raw_path.split(os.path.sep), path_base.split(os.path.sep)): if sp == "{dataset}": return rp raise ValueError( f"Could not find dataset name in {raw_path} with {search_path} as template" )
[docs] def get_raw_path(crop_path: str, raw_name: str = RAW_NAME, label: str = "") -> str: """ Get the path to the raw data for a given crop path. Parameters ---------- crop_path : str The path to the crop. raw_name : str, optional The name of the raw data, by default RAW_NAME label : str, optional The label class at the crop_path, by default "" Returns ------- str The path to the raw data. """ crop_path = crop_path.rstrip(label + os.path.sep) crop_name = CROP_NAME.format(crop=os.path.basename(crop_path), label="").rstrip( os.path.sep ) return (UPath(crop_path.removesuffix(crop_name)) / raw_name).path
[docs] def get_csv_string( path: str, classes: list[str], usage: str, raw_name: str = RAW_NAME, ): """ Get the csv string for a given dataset path, to be written to the datasplit csv file. Parameters ---------- path : str The path to the dataset. classes : list[str] The classes present in the dataset. usage : str The usage of the dataset (train or validate). raw_name : str, optional The name of the raw data. Default is RAW_NAME. Returns ------- str The csv string for the dataset. """ raw_path = get_raw_path(path, raw_name) dataset_name = get_dataset_name(raw_path) if not UPath(raw_path).exists(): bar_string = ( f"No raw data found for {dataset_name} at {raw_path}, trying n5 format" ) raw_path = raw_path.replace(".zarr", ".n5") if not UPath(raw_path).exists(): bar_string = f"No raw data found for {dataset_name} at {raw_path}, skipping" return None, bar_string zarr_path = raw_path.split(".n5")[0] + ".n5" else: zarr_path = raw_path.split(".zarr")[0] + ".zarr" raw_ds_name = raw_path.removeprefix(zarr_path + os.path.sep) gt_ds_name = path.removeprefix(zarr_path + os.path.sep) bar_string = f"Found raw data for {dataset_name} at {raw_path}" return ( f'"{usage}","{zarr_path}","{raw_ds_name}","{zarr_path}","{gt_ds_name+os.path.sep}[{",".join([c for c in classes])}]"\n', bar_string, )
[docs] def make_datasplit_csv( classes: list[str] = ["nuc", "mito"], force_all_classes: bool | str = False, validation_prob: float = 0.1, datasets: list[str] = ["*"], crops: list[str] = ["*"], search_path: str = SEARCH_PATH, raw_name: str = RAW_NAME, crop_name: str = CROP_NAME, csv_path: str = "datasplit.csv", dry_run: bool = False, ): """ Make a datasplit csv file for the given classes and datasets. Parameters ---------- classes : list[str], optional The classes to include in the csv, by default ["nuc", "mito"] force_all_classes : bool | str, optional If True, force all classes to be present in the training/validation datasets. If False, as long as at least one requested class is present, a crop will be included. If "train" or "validate", force all classes to be present in the training or validation datasets, respectively. By default False. validation_prob : float, optional The probability of a dataset being in the validation set, by default 0.1 datasets : list[str], optional The datasets to include in the csv, by default ["*"], which includes all datasets crops : list[str], optional The crops to include in the csv, by default all crops are included. Otherwise, only the crops in the list are included. search_path : str, optional The search path to use to find the datasets, by default SEARCH_PATH raw_name : str, optional The name of the raw data, by default RAW_NAME crop_name : str, optional The name of the crop, by default CROP_NAME csv_path : str, optional The path to write the csv file to, by default "datasplit.csv" dry_run : bool, optional If True, do not write the csv file - just return the found datapaths. By default False """ # Define the paths to the raw and groundtruth data and the label classes by crawling the directories and writing the paths to a csv file datapaths = {} for dataset in datasets: for crop in crops: for label in classes: these_datapaths = glob( search_path.format( dataset=dataset, name=crop_name.format(crop=crop, label=label) ) ) if len(these_datapaths) == 0: continue these_datapaths = [ path.removesuffix(os.path.sep + label) for path in these_datapaths ] for path in these_datapaths: if path not in datapaths: datapaths[path] = [] datapaths[path].append(label) if dry_run: print("Dry run, not writing csv") return datapaths shutil.rmtree(csv_path, ignore_errors=True) assert not os.path.exists( csv_path ), f"CSV file {csv_path} already exists and cannot be overwritten" usage_dict = { k: "train" if np.random.rand() > validation_prob else "validate" for k in datapaths.keys() } num_train = num_validate = 0 bar = tqdm(datapaths.keys()) for path in bar: print(f"Processing {path}") usage = usage_dict[path] if force_all_classes == usage: if len(datapaths[path]) != len(classes): usage = "train" if usage == "validate" else "validate" elif force_all_classes is True: if len(datapaths[path]) != len(classes): usage_dict[path] = "none" continue usage_dict[path] = usage csv_string, bar_string = get_csv_string(path, datapaths[path], usage, raw_name) bar.set_postfix_str(bar_string) if csv_string is not None: with open(csv_path, "a") as f: if csv_string is not None: f.write(csv_string) if usage == "train": num_train += 1 else: num_validate += 1 assert num_train + num_validate > 0, "No datasets found" print(f"Number of datasets: {num_train + num_validate}") print( f"Number of training datasets: {num_train} ({num_train/(num_train+num_validate)*100:.2f}%)" ) print( f"Number of validation datasets: {num_validate} ({num_validate/(num_train+num_validate)*100:.2f}%)" ) print(f"CSV written to {csv_path}")
[docs] def get_dataset_counts( classes: list[str] = ["nuc", "mito"], search_path: str = SEARCH_PATH, raw_name: str = RAW_NAME, crop_name: str = CROP_NAME, ): """ Get the counts of each class in each dataset. Parameters ---------- classes : list[str], optional The classes to include in the csv, by default ["nuc", "mito"] search_path : str, optional The search path to use to find the datasets, by default SEARCH_PATH raw_name : str, optional The name of the raw data, by default RAW_NAME crop_name : str, optional The name of the crop, by default CROP_NAME Returns ------- dict A dictionary of the counts of each class in each dataset. """ dataset_class_counts = {} for label in classes: these_datapaths = glob( search_path.format( dataset="*", name=crop_name.format(crop="*", label=label) ) ) for path in these_datapaths: raw_path = get_raw_path(path, raw_name, label) dataset_name = get_dataset_name(raw_path) if not UPath(raw_path).exists(): print( f"No raw data found for {dataset_name} at {raw_path}, trying n5 format" ) raw_path = raw_path.replace(".zarr", ".n5") if not UPath(raw_path).exists(): print( f"No raw data found for {dataset_name} at {raw_path}, skipping" ) continue if dataset_name not in dataset_class_counts: dataset_class_counts[dataset_name] = {} if label not in dataset_class_counts[dataset_name]: dataset_class_counts[dataset_name][label] = 1 else: dataset_class_counts[dataset_name][label] += 1 return dataset_class_counts
if __name__ == "__main__": """ Usage: python [search_path] [classes] search_path: The search path to use to find the datasets. Defaults to SEARCH_PATH. classes: A comma-separated list of classes to include in the csv. Defaults to ["nuc", "er"]. """ if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1][0] == "[": classes = sys.argv[1][1:-1].split(",") if len(sys.argv) > 2: search_path = sys.argv[2] else: search_path = SEARCH_PATH elif len(sys.argv) > 1: search_path = sys.argv[1] classes = ["nuc", "er"] else: classes = ["nuc", "er"] search_path = SEARCH_PATH os.remove("datasplit.csv") make_datasplit_csv(classes=classes, search_path=search_path, validation_prob=0.1)