Source code for cellmap_segmentation_challenge.utils.submission

import zarr
import zarr.errors
from upath import UPath
import os
import zipfile
import functools
from tqdm import tqdm
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

from cellmap_segmentation_challenge.utils import format_string, TEST_CROPS
from cellmap_segmentation_challenge.evaluate import match_crop_space
from cellmap_segmentation_challenge import SUBMISSION_PATH, PROCESSED_PATH

import logging

[docs] def save_numpy_class_labels_to_zarr( save_path, test_volume_name, label_name, labels, overwrite=False, attrs=None ): """ Save a single 3D numpy array of class labels to a Zarr-2 file with the required structure. Args: save_path (str): The path to save the Zarr-2 file (ending with <filename>.zarr). test_volume_name (str): The name of the test volume. label_names (str): The names of the labels. labels (np.ndarray): A 3D numpy array of class labels. overwrite (bool): Whether to overwrite the Zarr-2 file if it already exists. attrs (dict): A dictionary of attributes to save with the Zarr-2 file. Example usage: # Generate random class labels, with 0 as background labels = np.random.randint(0, 4, (128, 128, 128)) save_numpy_labels_to_zarr('submission.zarr', 'test_volume', ['label1', 'label2', 'label3'], labels) """ # Create a Zarr-2 file if not UPath(save_path).exists(): os.makedirs(UPath(save_path).parent, exist_ok=True)"Saving to {save_path}") store = zarr.DirectoryStore(save_path) zarr_group = # Save the test volume group zarr_group.create_group(test_volume_name, overwrite=overwrite) # Save the labels for i, label_name in enumerate(label_name):"Saving {label_name}") ds = zarr_group[test_volume_name].create_dataset( label_name, data=(labels == i + 1), chunks=64, # compressor=zarr.Blosc(cname='zstd', clevel=3, shuffle=2), ) for k, v in (attrs or {}).items(): ds.attrs[k] = v"Done saving")
[docs] def save_numpy_class_arrays_to_zarr( save_path, test_volume_name, label_names, labels, mode="append", attrs=None ): """ Save a list of 3D numpy arrays of binary or instance labels to a Zarr-2 file with the required structure. Args: save_path (str): The path to save the Zarr-2 file (ending with <filename>.zarr). test_volume_name (str): The name of the test volume. label_names (list): A list of label names corresponding to the list of 3D numpy arrays. labels (list): A list of 3D numpy arrays of binary labels. mode (str): The mode to use when saving the Zarr-2 file. Options are 'append' or 'overwrite'. attrs (dict): A dictionary of attributes to save with the Zarr-2 file. Example usage: label_names = ['label1', 'label2', 'label3'] # Generate random binary volumes for each label labels = [np.random.randint(0, 2, (128, 128, 128)) for _ in range len(label_names)] save_numpy_binary_to_zarr('submission.zarr', 'test_volume', label_names, labels) """ # Create a Zarr-2 file if not UPath(save_path).exists(): os.makedirs(UPath(save_path).parent, exist_ok=True)"Saving to {save_path}") store = zarr.DirectoryStore(save_path) zarr_group = # Save the test volume group try: zarr_group.create_group(test_volume_name, overwrite=(mode == "overwrite")) except zarr.errors.ContainsGroupError:"Appending to existing group {test_volume_name}") # Save the labels for i, label_name in enumerate(label_names):"Saving {label_name}") ds = zarr_group[test_volume_name].create_dataset( label_name, data=labels[i], chunks=64, # compressor=zarr.Blosc(cname='zstd', clevel=3, shuffle=2), ) for k, v in (attrs or {}).items(): ds.attrs[k] = v"Done saving")
[docs] def zip_submission(zarr_path: str | UPath = SUBMISSION_PATH): """ (Re-)Zip a submission zarr file. Args: zarr_path (str | UPath): The path to the submission zarr file (ending with `<filename>.zarr`). `.zarr` will be replaced with `.zip`. """ zarr_path = UPath(zarr_path) if not zarr_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Submission zarr file not found at {zarr_path}") zip_path = zarr_path.with_suffix(".zip") with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zipf: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(zarr_path, followlinks=True): for file in files: file_path = os.path.join(root, file) # Ensure symlink targets are added as files if os.path.islink(file_path): file_path = os.readlink(file_path) # Define the relative path in the zip archive arcname = os.path.relpath(file_path, zarr_path) zipf.write(file_path, arcname)"Zipped {zarr_path} to {zip_path}") return zip_path
[docs] def package_crop(crop, zarr_group, overwrite, input_search_path=PROCESSED_PATH): crop_path = ( UPath( format_string( input_search_path, {"crop": f"crop{}", "dataset": crop.dataset} ) ) / crop.class_label ) if not crop_path.exists(): return f"Skipping {crop_path} as it does not exist." if f"crop{}" not in zarr_group: crop_group = zarr_group.create_group(f"crop{}") else: crop_group = zarr_group[f"crop{}"]"Scaling {crop_path} to {crop.voxel_size} nm") # Match the resolution, spatial position, and shape of the processed volume to the test volume image = match_crop_space( path=crop_path.path, class_label=crop.class_label, voxel_size=crop.voxel_size, shape=crop.shape, translation=crop.translation, ) image = image.astype(np.uint8) # Save the processed labels to the submission zarr label_array = crop_group.create_dataset( crop.class_label, overwrite=overwrite, shape=crop.shape, dtype=image.dtype, ) label_array[:] = image # Add the metadata label_array.attrs["voxel_size"] = crop.voxel_size label_array.attrs["translation"] = crop.translation label_array.attrs["shape"] = crop.shape return crop_path
[docs] def package_submission( input_search_path: str | UPath = PROCESSED_PATH, output_path: str | UPath = SUBMISSION_PATH, overwrite: bool = False, max_workers: int = os.cpu_count(), ): """ Package a submission for the CellMap challenge. This will create a zarr file, combining all the processed volumes, and then zip it. Args: input_search_path (str): The base path to the processed volumes, with placeholders for dataset and crops. output_path (str | UPath): The path to save the submission zarr to. (ending with `<filename>.zarr`; `.zarr` will be appended if not present, and replaced with `.zip` when zipped). overwrite (bool): Whether to overwrite the submission zarr if it already exists. max_workers (int): The maximum number of workers to use for parallel processing. Defaults to the number of CPUs. """ input_search_path = str(input_search_path) output_path = UPath(output_path) output_path = output_path.with_suffix(".zarr") # Create a zarr file to store the submission if not output_path.exists(): os.makedirs(output_path.parent, exist_ok=True) store = zarr.DirectoryStore(output_path) zarr_group =, overwrite=True) # Make groups for each test volume for crop in TEST_CROPS: if f"crop{}" not in zarr_group: crop_group = zarr_group.create_group(f"crop{}") # Find all the processed test volumes pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers) partial_package_crop = functools.partial( package_crop, zarr_group=zarr_group, overwrite=overwrite, input_search_path=input_search_path, ) for crop_path in tqdm(, TEST_CROPS), total=len(TEST_CROPS), dynamic_ncols=True, desc="Packaging crops...", ): tqdm.write(f"Packaged {crop_path}")"Saved submission to {output_path}")"Zipping submission...") zip_submission(output_path)"Done packaging submission")