
What is DaCapo?

DaCapo is a framework that allows for easy configuration and execution of established machine learning techniques on arbitrarily large volumes of multi-dimensional images.

DaCapo has 4 major configurable components:

  1. dacapo.datasplits.DataSplit

  2. dacapo.architectures.Architecture

  3. dacapo.tasks.Task

  4. dacapo.trainers.Trainer

These are then combined in a single dacapo.experiments.Run that includes your starting point (whether you want to start training from scratch or continue off of a previously trained model) and stopping criterion (the number of iterations you want to train).

How does DaCapo work?

Each of the major components can be configured separately allowing you to define your job in a nicely structured format. Here we define what each component is responsible for:

  1. DataSplit: Where can you find your data? What format is it in? Does it need
    to be normalized? What data do you want to use for validation?
  2. Architecture: Biomedical image to image translation often utilizes a UNet,
    but even after choosing a UNet you still need to provide some additional parameters.
    How much do you want to downsample? How many convolutional layers do you want?
  3. Task: What do you want to learn? An instance segmentation? If so how? Affinities,
    Distance Transform, Foreground/Background, etc. Each of these tasks are commonly learned
    and evaluated with specific loss functions and evaluation metrics. Some tasks may
    also require specific non-linearities or output formats from your model.
  4. Trainer: How do you want to train? This config defines the training loop
    and how the other three components work together. What sort of augmentations
    to apply during training, what learning rate and optimizer to use, what batch size
    to train with.

DaCapo allows you to define each of these configurations separately, and give them unique names. These configurations are then stored in a mongodb or on your filesystem, allowing you to retrieve configs by name and easily start multitudes of jobs as combinations of Datasplits, Architectures, Tasks, and Trainers.

The Simple Experiment using Python demonstrates how such an experiment is assembled in dacapo