


A class used to define configuration for datasets. This provides the

Module Contents

class dacapo.experiments.datasplits.datasets.simple.SimpleDataset

A class used to define configuration for datasets. This provides the framework to create a Dataset instance.


str (eg: “sample_dataset”). A unique identifier to name the dataset. It aids in easy identification and reusability of this dataset. Advised to keep it short and refrain from using special characters.


int (default=1). A numeric value that indicates how frequently this dataset should be sampled in comparison to others. Higher the weight, more frequently it gets sampled.


Checks and validates the dataset configuration. The specific rules for validation need to be defined by the user.


This class is used to create a configuration object for datasets.

path: pathlib.Path
weight: int
raw_name: str
gt_name: str
mask_name: str
static dataset_type(dataset_config)
property raw: funlib.persistence.Array
property gt: funlib.persistence.Array
property mask: funlib.persistence.Array | None
property sample_points: None